Application Links issue between Attlasian Fisheye x Jira

Ewerthon Just
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September 19, 2018

Hello Atlassian support,

 We are facing same issues related to “application links” between Attlasian Fisheye x Jira software.

Everytime that I try to create an “application link” between Jira and Atlassian to make commits available in the tickets I have the following message:



 Checking the logfiles of the instance I have the following lines:2.png


This is the only clue I have found in all log files. The Fisheye version we are using is 4.5.3, and the system infos are shown in the screenshot below:3.png



The access to Fisheye is done through ProxyPass, and the configuration of the Virtual Host and the ProxyPass statement are in the printscreen below:4.png

 See Config.xml file also:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config control-bind="<IP COMES HERE>:<PORT>" version="1.0" admin-hash="ADMIN_HASH_COMES_HERE">
    <!-- see example-config.xml and config.xsd for more documentation -->
 <license SID="<SID COMES HERE>"><fisheye>LICENSE COMES HERE</fisheye><crucible>Disabled</crucible></license>
    <web-server context="fisheye-test" site-url="<SITE URL>">
        <http bind="<URL:PORT COMES HERE>" proxy-host="<PROXY URL>" proxy-port="443" proxy-scheme="https"/>
    <ajp13 bind=":<AJP PORT>"/>
    <security allow-anon="true" allow-cru-anon="true">
   <signup enabled="true"/>
        <tarball enabled="false" maxFileCount="0"/>
        <security allow-anon="true"/>
    <text-indexer enabled="true"/><watches enabled="true"/><commit-message-syntax syntax="plain"/><changeset-discussions enabled="true"/><show-checkout-url>true</show-checkout-url></repository-defaults>
<check-for-updates enabled="true"/><database type="sqlserver2012"><connection dialect="com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.dialects.SQLServer2008UnicodeDialect" driver="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" jdbcurl="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://HERE_COMES_IP:PORT;databaseName=DB_NAME_COMES_HERE" password="PASSWORD_COMES_HERE" username="USERNAME_COMES_HERE" maxPoolSize="20" minPoolSize="5" driverSource="bundled"/></database><snippet/></config>


I hope that someone can help me! Thanks a lot!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 18, 2018

Hello there,

The easiest solution would be to create an application link on un-proxied HTTP connection between them. Since both of the applications are inside the same network, we can bypass all the secure stuff - if this is an option inside your organization.

If this is not an option, then to troubleshoot this, there are a lot of things can go wrong here:

  1. Can I know if you have configured the server.xml correctly as stated in the guide?
  2. How about the SSL certs, since you are trying to make this 2 application talk, they need to have the SSL certs inside their JAVA to be trusted - this means you will need to install Fisheye SSL certs into Jira's JAVA and vice versa as well.

Best Regards,

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