Anytime an issue moves to DONE, the Resolution == Unresolved

Serial Founder October 17, 2018

Hello everyone,


I think I have a problem with a simple solution, a solution that I cannot solve on my own.


Everytime I move an issue from To Do or In Progress to Done, the Resolution doesnt change. It remains Unresolved. This isnt proper behavior - any idea of what I can to solve this one?


I am running the latest version of Jira Server

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Nir Haimov
Community Leader
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October 17, 2018

Hi @Serial Founder

You need to go to your workflow.

In the transition from "To Do" to "Done" or any other transition you want,

Add post-function "update issue field", choose the field you want to update (in your case "resolution"), give it a value, than "save", than "publish" your workflow changes.

That's it, give it a try.

Serial Founder October 17, 2018

Unsure why my brain was not working -- Thank you!!!!

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