Any options to hide the Create shortcut button in Kanban board?

Michelle Yip
May 8, 2023

Hi Community!

I'll like to check if there's any option to hide the Create button in a Company-Managed Kanban Board?

The reason I'm asking is because we currently have dozens of tickets in the backlog. Sometimes, our product owners, QA team, or business stakeholders may create a ticket using the Create shortcut button, and our engineers may have to spend time to dig through the backlog to bring the ticket to the board. If the ticket is a critical bug or blocker, I'll like to have the option to quickly bring it to the board (for visibility purposes more than anything else) without having to perform the extra step of searching and dragging the ticket to the board.


My suggestions:

- Hide the Create shortcut button in Kanban board

Suggest button to be removed.PNG


- Keep the buttons in the Backlog view - see screenshot for what I mean

Suggest to keep buttons.PNG


Have anyone encountered this before? Any help is much appreciated!

1 answer

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Jack Brickey
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May 8, 2023

Hi @Michelle Yip ,

you cannot hide that button and, IMO, likely not the best solution to meet your requirements. Have you considered adding automation to alert the team of a critical/blocker issue or maybe a daily (hourly) filter that presents the current blocking issues in the backlog?

Michelle Yip
May 8, 2023

Hi Jack!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Might be worth a try from my end, I'll be sure to bring it to my team, though the use case for your suggestion is slightly different from what I've in mind. Nonetheless, I'll keep exploring!

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Jack Brickey
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May 9, 2023

Glad to attempt to assist with your specific use case if desired/needed.

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