Aggregation of remaining effort

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May 24, 2024

While having an EPIC consisting of some stories and they in turn having some sub-tasks, is there a way to achieve the following in Jira without commercial plug-ins?

1. A field in each issue called "Remaining effort". It is sufficient if it can hold a combination of months, weeks and days. Like the "Original estimate" field but with another name.

2. An issue that has one or more children should automatically get its field populated by the sum of the children's remaining effort fields. If it doesn't have children you need to manually update it.

3. I want to achieve without having everyone log hours spent as in the Jira time tracking functionality.



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Kalyan Sattaluri
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May 24, 2024

Hello @Fredrik 

If you create a custom field called "Remaining effort" and is available in all issue types, (subtasks, story, epic), then using automation, you can have Jira roll up these values to parents from sub tasks. So if any one updates sub-tasks, it will update story and also epic.

Is this is what you wanted, there are many posts in the forum set up this flow.

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I'm New Here
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May 27, 2024

Hello @Kalyan Sattaluri! Thanks for your reply. What you mention is in line with what I want to achieve. What I haven't figured out though, is how to make that custom field handle various time units. Preferably I'd like it to accept various units like the "Original estimate" field does, e.g. weeks, days etc. So that you can change granularity as the issue evolve towards completion. Is this possible?

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