After migrating to Cloud, none of our ticket historical routing is working

Krista Delucchi June 12, 2020

In Jira Server, we frequently shuffled tickets from one project to another. Example, an issue is filed by a customer in Salesforce, escalated to Tech Support, TS escalate to Engineering with a Jira ticket, then add that Jira URL to the Salesforce ticket. After the Jira ticket is created, it goes from one project to another to another before finally getting worked on.


Previously, when you click the URL for the Jira issue or search for any of the issuekeys that it held at any point in time, it would reroute to the current Jira issue. Post-migration, it lost all of that history. And the hundreds of tickets referenced in Salesforce are just URLs ending in the issuekey, without a Summary. Now people can't find their tickets.


Has anyone found a way to search these or restore the ticket historical path?

(searching for the previous ticket number doesn't work, searching "text ~ KEY-####" doesn't work, etc)

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