Adding text to task name/display

bartlomiej_jochym May 9, 2024


is it possible to add "2.2.0" from the "Wersja do poprawienia" field to the display name of task next to story points or issue status?



Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 12.02.14.png Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 12.00.15.png

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John Funk
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May 9, 2024

Hi @bartlomiej_jochym 

Sure, you can do that. Create an automation rule based on a Scheduled trigger. Use whatever you want for the timing because we will execute it immediately anyway. 

Then add JQL to the Scheduled trigger for the issues you want to update. It might be all of them on the project or just issues where the  "Wersja do poprawienia" field is not empty. 

Then add an action for Edit Issue. Choose the Summary field. 

In the blank box for that field put:  {{issue.Wersja do poprawienia}} {{issue.summary}}

Or switch the fields around or put a dash between them or whatever you like. 

Save and Update the rule and give it a name. 

Then click the 3 dots menu in the upper right and choose the Run rule value. This will run the rule immediate. 

One note is that I usually just test it with one issue using something like: key = ABC-123 for an issue to make sure it does what I want. Then you can update it and run it for the full query after that. 

I usually save it with a name like Bulk update so I know what I did it for. 

After it runs and you are done, but sure to disable the rule or it will run at the scheduled time and keep changing your task name. 


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