Adding comments to issue for SMTP errors

May 17, 2023


I have the following situation:
My users are sending out mails (with Add-on "Email this Issue") and sometimes the sending fails because of some SMTP error (e.g. attachment size too large etc.) thrown by the mail server.

These errors are however only visible in the log files, but not for the user who sent out the mail.

Is it somehow possible to show such error messages to the user, for example by adding a comment to the ticket from which it was sent?

Thank you


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May 18, 2023

Hi @Johannes 

Isn't there a Emails tab on each ticket that contains all the logs related to emails?


May 24, 2023

Hi @Mirek ,

yes, but it is marked as being sent, even though it failed in the background:


So to the user it looks like the mail has been sent out successfully.

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May 25, 2023

OK, that is not a good information about status.. It should give also some information about error.. or prevent somehow from sending the email..

Now I am thinking.. How about using a workflow transition? I think Email This issue have an option to execute a transition AFTER a mail is successfully sent. Failure would skip the transition.. So if there would be something like "Confirm Sending Email" transition maybe this would actually work as a some kind of validator? Once executed it could give a standard comment "Mail Successfully Sent".. of course only if this respect also mail errors and really prevent them from sending..

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