Adding a workflow to the taskboard

Frances Frances
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November 17, 2011

We'd like to add a QA stage between In Progress & Done for the task board and the general workflow of issues.

How can we do this?

I've been searching and I think it has something to do with the workflow. I've managed to add the stage in, so when you state an in progress card is resolved - I can make it move to the QA stage. But this doesn't show in the task board

2 answers

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Mark Stocker November 17, 2011

Go to Task Board - click Tools on the far right hand side and select Configuration from the drop down list.

Should take you to the Project Configuration screen with 3 tabs. Choose the 3rd (Task Board Mapping) and then click Add a Column (far right hand side). Drag the column so it's inbetween In Progress and Done, then select the QA phase as the Status to show.


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November 17, 2011


You can add a column 'In QA' which lists all issues which are in the QA stage.


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