Add template with Scriptrunner Behaviours

nihcet September 3, 2019


When opening a issue with a scriptrunner behavior, I add template text to the description field and after modify it. But if I click "Create" without adding it to a required field, it applies the template again.

How do I prevent the template from applying even if the required field is forgotten?


import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FormField

FormField descField = getFieldById("description")

// Custom Field'de seçeneğini giriniz.
def prt = "PRT"

// Aşağıdaki alana description alanında görünmesini istediğiniz şablonu giriniz.
def temp = """
Template text.
Template text.
Template text.
Template text.

def cf = getFieldById(getFieldChanged())
if (null != cf) {
String[] values = (String[])cf.getValue();
if (getActionName() != "Create Issue") {
if (values.length == 2) {
if (values[1] == prt) {
if (! underlyingIssue?.description)


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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November 5, 2022

Hi @nihcet 

If you want this behaviour to be applied only to specific transition, then you can choose it from the conditions of the chosen field.

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