Add an Epic custom field that auto calculates Child issues % complete based on Automation

Candice Kalil April 9, 2024

We are looking to create a custom field on the Epic level that, based on an automation, will autocalculate the % Done. 

Why? We need this custom field to read sync back to our AHA integration for tracking purposes there. 

Almost there - We've created the automation (screenshots below) based on the community link here, but the final steps are:

  • For the test Epic, the computed percentage completion % of Child issues is set into an existing custom field in the Epic. 
  • Once successful, we want this to be automated for all Epics in the Project itself.

    JIRA 2.jpg

Appreciate any guidance or help in advance! 

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Candice Kalil April 10, 2024

Hi Trudy - This is so helpful thank you! It is working as expected and we've adjusted the frequency to reduce the number of times this scheduled trigger is run. We just had it at 5 minutes to test! 


We don't forsee running 1000+ issues at a time so we think we should be in good shape!

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Trudy Claspill
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April 9, 2024

Hello @Candice Kalil 

  • For the test Epic, the computed percentage completion % of Child issues is set into an existing custom field in the Epic. 

You need to add an Edit Issue step. In that step you need to set the value for your custom field to this value


  • Once successful, we want this to be automated for all Epics in the Project itself.

If you want the rule to run for every Epic issue in your project you need to change JQL in the Scheduled trigger to


However, I see you have the Scheduled trigger to run every 5 minutes. Do you really want to recalculate the completion percentage on every epic in your project every 5 minutes? I think that you should reduce the frequency.

Also, how many Epics do you have in the project, and how many child issues do they typically have? There are limits on the number of issues that a Scheduled trigger can retrieve and the number of issues a Lookup Issues action can retrieve. Refer to

Khuram Khalil June 4, 2024

@Candice Kalil @Candy which edit step did you end of creating? i need to replicate something similar



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