ActiveObject - util model method

b April 4, 2012


Is that possible to create method with nonpersistable field.

public interface A extends Entity {

    public void setB(String B);
    public String getB();

    public String doSth();

I want to for example, method doSth do additional operations like duplication of B object

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Remo Siegwart
Rising Star
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April 4, 2012

You could use implementation classes as described in Implementing the Active Record Pattern to do additional operations like:

public interface Company extends Entity {
	// ...

public class CompanyImpl {
	private Company company;
	public CompanyImpl(Company company) { = company;
	public void setName(String name) {
		name = name.trim();
		if (name.length() > 4) {
			company.setTickerSymbol(name.substring(0, 4).toUpperCase());
		} else {

Hope this helps

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