[ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [WARN] FAILURE_ENVIRONMENT_INVALID: The deployment environment is not valid

Nargiza Fernandez
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April 19, 2024

i integrated  Atlassian Jira Software Cloud with self-hosted jenkins server.

im receiveng build statutes in Jira, but i dont sse deployment information.
error from jenkins logs:

[ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Extracted issue keys from ChangeLogSet message 'Update Jenkinsfile': []
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Found issue keys for this deployment! Deciding whether to send information to Jira now.
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Sending final deployment event (canDetermineFinalResultOfEndNode() == true))
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Extracted issue keys from scmRevision.getHead() (PR-1629): [PR-1629]
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Extracted issue keys from env var CHANGE_BRANCH (PO-215-issue-test-jenkins-NF): [PR-1629, PO-215]
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Extracted the following issue keys out of branch name: [PR-1629, PO-215]
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Extracted issue keys from GitChangeSet comment 'Update Jenkinsfile
14:17:19  ': []
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [DEBUG] Extracted issue keys from ChangeLogSet message 'Update Jenkinsfile': []
14:17:19  [ATLASSIAN CLOUD PLUGIN] [WARN] FAILURE_ENVIRONMENT_INVALID: The deployment environment is not valid. The parameter environmentId is required. The parameter environmentName is required.

the sniped of jenkinsfile (please, ignore spacing):

stage('Build') {
steps {
echo 'Building...'
post {
always {
jiraSendBuildInfo site: 'xxxx.atlassian.net'

stage('Deploy - Development') {
when {
branch 'development'
steps {
echo 'Deploying to Develoment from feature branch'

post {
always {
jiraSendDeploymentInfo site: 'xxxx.atlassian.net', environmentId: 'Development', environmentName: 'Development', environmentType: 'development'


where i can find correct values for  environmentId and  environmentName?

i followed the official documentation setup  

Thank you!

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