Assistance on Groovy Regexps

Bhargavi May 3, 2021

Hi All,

We have a scenario where description field will be populated with some multiline content data as below


This is a test scenario for Ur Operations

reporter: Ken

country: Usa

date: 22-may-2020

user content goes here


I want to extract the data from this(key:value) pairs and populate it into custom fields(Eg: extract value Ken and populate into Reporter field..extract value Usa and populate into Region Customfield etc..)

I tried to use Behaviour script with pattern matching on custom field as shown below:

def text1 = getFieldByName("Reporter")
def text2 = getFieldByName("Region")
def text3 = getFieldByName("User Date")

def fieldchanged = getFieldById(getFieldChanged())
def r1= 'reporter:(.*)'
def r2= 'country:(.*)'

def entereddata = fieldchanged.getValue() as String

if(entereddata == r1){

def res = entereddata.substring(7)

if(entereddata == r2)
// def res1 = entereddata.substring(19)

But I am not able to do pattern matching using multiline script content.Can anyone please help me on this script.How could I condition it to read all the matches so that all fields can get populated.

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