How are your global groups and external user accounts structured? You need a specific way to handle external consultants, vendors, auditors, and even interns or temporary employees.
Consider the following use cases:
The above use cases are real examples from a company unprepared for the possibility of external users. The users were set up the same as regular employees. As such, a user with access to one Jira project, had access to all the others. Even worse, any new Jira user was also made a Confluence user! This meant that any temporary user or contractor had access to all internal company information, proprietary documentation, and plans for the future in both applications! Yikes!
Dedicated Groups
Instead, I recommend creating dedicated groups to manage external users. First, groups help organize users so it’s easy to recognize which users are external. Second, it gives the admin the flexibility to quickly revoke access to an entire external organization or all external organizations.
Dedicated external user groups
Company-provided Email Addresses
Next, all external users should have company-provided email address. This does not have to be the same domain internal employees use but it should be a domain managed by the organization.
External email addresses allow sensitive and proprietary information to leave your organization and be retrieved insecurely from external servers. Remember that email notification is widely used in Jira. An email is triggered for any @mention or share action. Notifications are sent at many different points and contain proprietary data. Do you really want company Jira data sent to email addresses? Of course not!
In the example, I’ve appended “contractor” to the user’s display name, given them an internal domain address, and added them to a dedicated external user group.
Rachel Wright
Author, Jira Strategy Admin Workbook
Industry Templates, LLC
Traveling the USA in an RV
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