Please revert back to the dot menu or at least when using the new command palatte feature, have it so when you type too fast for any of the actions items; it doesn't close the menu and you have to restart the whole workflow.
Example: CMD + K -> Edit Status (D) -> If I type in the new transition status too fast (e.g. Investigating) the entire menu closes. In the old dot menu, I could type in the status instantly and JIRA Cloud would capture what I typed without closing the menu and having to pull the command palette up then wait for the menu to populate.
I am not sure what you guys achieved by removing the "." but believe me the of the ppl used this for quick closer, adding work log and for comment. Adding new features are mandatory but removing the popular one always reason for downfall. Best of luck.
I understand the desire to rewrite things in order to keep your engineers busy, but the new menu
Is significantly slower to load and visually refresh (I understand performance is an explicit non-goal of the JIRA system, but still, consider the user experience)
Has many more clicks required to accomplish the same tasks (this is made more annoying by the previous bullet)
Adds a bunch of functionality I don't need that I need to scroll past
If I'm looking at a ticket, I probably want to do ... ticket stuff. Not see a huge list of general options that have nothing to do with what I'm doing that renders slowly.
Many years after switching from the perfect local installation to a horrible Jira Cloud. the users are asking to get many removed/broken features back.
After N years of failing to get any near back the local installation functionality, Atlassian drops the best features of the product.
Linking a ticket via the new menu is now around 6 clicks instead of 3 as it was in the dot menu.
Ctrl + K is intuitively clicked when adding a link — standard shortcut in many software products.
Brilliant, Atlassian, as always, features that have been in the backlog for decades are just dropped!
seems like there is some disconnection between the people that developed the "dot" menu and the command palette.
Seems like nobody designed, thought, used or tested the new command palette, at least not seriously.
You should really collect information about how your users use your features before jumping into conclusion that your users needs to add all your possible commands on a ticket into a popup window, that is inefficient, low performant and simply unfriendly to use.
<minor rant>Coming from an on-prem Jira Server about six months ago, I'm already missing a lot of features from that dot menu. I used to be able to directly edit any field by pressing "." and starting to type the name of that field. I lost almost all of that when moving to Cloud. It has taken a lot of getting used to.</minor rant>
More importantly, though, is it not some sort of an accessibility concern that Jira is hijacking a standard browser shortcut used to access the search field? I know when in a rich text field that shortcut becomes Insert Link, but that's specific to that field, and expected. It's not overtaken by the entire page.
This has got to be one of the worst changes to your product. Years of muscle memory is now an annoyance, reducing productivity. Please revert, or map the dot menu to ctrl+k!
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September 3, 2024 edited
Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your feedback! I understand that changes like these can be challenging, and I want you to know we’ve been listening closely to your concerns. Here’s what we’re doing in response:
We’ve decided to keep the Dot (.) shortcut, which now opens the new, modern Command Palette to provide a familiar way to navigate.
We are rolling out an update that will allow you to change issue statuses directly from the Command Palette’s main level, making it more convenient.
We acknowledge that there is a bug affecting the ability to log work through the Command Palette when the field is not visible on the edit screen or is in a collapsed tab in the issue view. We are looking for a fix to resolve this issue and improve the experience.
We’re also aware that some shortcuts, like accessing marketplace apps, Convert to issue, and Convert to subtask, aren’t available in the Command Paletteyet. These will be considered for future enhancements.
We truly value your feedback, so please continue sharing your thoughts with us. We’re here to make this better for you!
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> I want you to know we’ve been listening closely to your concerns
I mean, obviously this is a lie (obvious to anyone who reads the preceding comments and compares them with the actions you've taken). It's a little offensive to lie so blatantly, but I understand it's in your job description. The changes you outlined in your most recent comment are a barely coherent attempt to paper over a yawning chasm of a dumpster fire.
For just *one* example of what's wrong with the new menu - adding to the dozens of other remarks by previous commenters clearly more in touch with product requirements than anyone on your team - consider the fact that typing "move" into the new dot menu brings up "Move issue" as the *second* option. The first option for "move" is now "Search issues, projects and more". If you want to get "Move issue" to come up first then you have to intentionally misspell your query as "movw", or some other workaround. Is this some kind of sick joke?
Given that linking was supposed to be one of the main use cases of this new dialog, what happened to the ability to link issues on a remote Jira server?
I *used* to be able to do this entirely by the keyboard (. -> Link -> up/down/tab/etc to select, type issue key, tab again to select, enter to save). The new dialog doesn't acknowledge the existence of remote servers and I can seemingly only create local links. I now have to scroll to the top of the issue, find and click on the link button, and then go back to doing what I wanted to do.
"gg" or "." was the best feature in Jira for years. Saving tons of time. Whether I liked or not the "new issue view" or other changes in Jira, I always had the "gg" magic working to access literally anything without many clicks. It made me smile.
You replaced it with "new, modern Command Palette" which is slower, harder to navigate and lacks some important functionality of the dot menu. Someone misses transitions, others want to quickly access app menus, etc.
This is beyond understanding. How can you replace an existing feature with a "new better one" when that "new better one" does not support everything that the old feature did (and was loved for)? For many users, you didn't give us a new feature, you took away an old one from us. I would stay away from a manager that follows that approach for new feature releases.
Instead of working on multiple customer requests that are "gathering interest" for years, Atlassian replaces a feature that no one complained about and no one asked to be replaced. This is not an improvement to the product, this is a direct damage to the product.
You made several existing useful features of the dot menu unavailable, and now
These will be considered for future enhancements.
Sure, in 10-15 years. Maybe. Maybe not.
Atlassian, you are bullying your customers. There are no other words to describe this. This is either incompetence (on many levels) or a deliberate damage to the product.
FUN FACT: in Jira and Confluence (as well as many other non-atlassian products), Ctrl+K / Cmd+K is used to insert a hyperlink. You do know about this, right? I am not so sure anymore.
I want you to know we’ve been listening closely to your concerns