What would you be replacing the Label gadget with? Or will it be completely removed in its entirety? These have been useful and necessary for filtering within a given client's project. Our company supports multiple clients and their active projects.
We use labels to differentiate active 'projects' under a client. It then helps with creating filters for individual boards set up under a given client project.
Without a label - support items can't be easily filtered and boards using these labels would need to be updated with fields?
First of all, thank you for extending the timeline for the end of life of "Jira Roadmap"
I still stand by what I said though and extending the timeline and opening a new blog won't change that.
It is really a disappointment that you stop the support for the Gadget "Jira Road Map" As far as I can see you are NOT offering a real alternative that would show the same as before. Unfortunately "Timeline" does not seem work as a gadget on a Dashboard which is an absolute must for us.
We have used road map for years now and it provided the whole staff with a short overview of all upcoming releases.
THAT is what we need.
I would appreciate it if you could come up with a proper alternative or replacement for "Jira Road Map"
I use the Project gadget all the time to jump to projects from my main dashboard. I don't see that there is a replacement for it and I will definitely miss it!
Really disappointed and confused about how this decision was made. Was it due to budget constraints? Such important and frequently used features have been removed. Has there been any communication regarding how to manage workflows after these features are deleted: Jira Road Map, Bubble Chart, Heat Map, Projects, and Labels gadgets.
Ridiculous decision to entirely delete the Roadmap gadget, as is reflected in almost all of the comments on this blog (and, apparently, the original blog which has been removed). How do you justify removing something that is clearly of such utility to your clients?
Hi Atlassian, can you clarify the actual reason for retiring these dashboard gadgets? Is it because a security issue, or are they incompatible with new jira features???
Now there is literally no way to condense project highlights to give an executive view. Going into each project to view timeline is not a great option. Make timeline available in dashboard and let it condense all projects with customizable views.
I think Atlassian should recognize the fact that these gadgets may very well be used by not only Jira-savvy users but also "regular" end-users, and so changing them requires proper organizational implementation and communication. For many organizations, this may not be a trivial thing.
Therefore we definitely need a clear migration path for each gadget so we know what to substitute it with, and thus what to communicate to end-users.
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Hi @Ella Hilton I am messaging you because you are mentioned as an Atlassian Team member here :) Can you please advise where / how I can make a request about one of these gadgets being removed?
The "Projects" gadget is more valuable than what the "Issue Statistics" replacement provides.
I primarily use the "Projects" to take me immediately to the Board (for our Agile projects) or to the Queue (for the Service Desk projects).
The "Issue Statistics" replacement described for the Projects doesn't provide this same benefit at all.
I tried to use the described replacement for a few weeks now - but it just doesn't help me at all.
Is there a different way to link directly to specific project boards/queues from the Dashboard? I use these links multiple times a day to go directly to the board or queue to see what my team is working on.
I also like how compact the current Projects gadget is - I can link to multiple projects without having to have extra details displaying on the dashboard.
It makes no sense to remove the Projects gadget without having a similar gadget that provides that information. Very disappointing. As a new Jira user, I'm frustrated that this functionality is going away, as it was one of the main reasons we adopted Jira, to track our projects.