Hey Team,
Once I worked with our important customer, I needed to approve NDAs to legal team. I usually use Jira for share the documents, but there is no way to get approval on Jira issues. I would introduce how to make approval system in Jira with a brand new app, K-Approval.
So many people are waiting for making approval system in Jira to show up. K-Approval is an application to support the approval system in Jira that reflects the organizational structure. Let's go for it!
✔️ How can we make it?
- Allows you to set custom Approval Paths
- Reflects the organizational structure on Approval
- Automatically applied Approval Path by project
Allows you to set custom Approval Paths
1) You can set various types of reviewers and required steps (approvals, agreements, references).
2) You can determine at what point in the workflow the approval path should be applied on each projects.
Reflects the organizational structure on approval
1) You can set your organization data on K-Approval in the form of a tree.
2) The organizational information is applied to the approval path set in the K-Approval to display and operate the user's approval path.
Automatically applied Approval Path by Project
1) When a user is requesting an approval creating an issue in Jira, the approval path is displayed as the administrator sets approval path logic by Project/Issue type from the K-Approval.
If you have any questions about K-Approval, any question at all, please reach out to me any time! I'm ready to listen more for all. Thanks!
Soo Park_Open Source Consulting
Marketer at Open Source Consulting.
Open Source Consulting Inc.
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