The Jira Cloud for Microsoft Teams app is now live!

Our team has been working very hard to build this new app helping you bring your Jira Cloud issues into Microsoft Teams.

Main features: 

  • Personal Notifications - choose when you want to be notified depending on tickets you report, are assigned to, are mentioned on, or are watching right in Teams. 
  • Search for issues - search Jira issues or view recent Jira issues right from the Teams message extension, so you can stay focused on the context at hand.
  • Create an issue from a comment within a chat - convert a chat message to a new Jira issue or add a comment to an existing Jira issue in just a few clicks.
  • Add Jira to a tab - create a central view of Jira issues in Teams by adding a tab to a chat or channel and selecting a Jira filter. In the tab, you can view and edit existing issues and create new issues.
  • View issues within a Meeting - visualize your personal Jira tickets in a Teams meeting in the side panel and sort by “worked on”, “viewed”, or “assigned.” 


I'm in! How do I get started?

*You will need permission from your organization to use this app so please send this permission link to your Microsoft Teams Admin for approval*

This link will open the new app directly in your Teams instance. If you run into any installation issues, please log in via your web browser. You can also follow the directions below. 

*There is a Microsoft Teams bug that won't allow you to configure or subscribe to personal notifications successfully. PLEASE LOG IN THROUGH YOUR WEB BROWSER AS A WORKAROUND.*

1. Log into Microsoft Teams and then navigate to the bottom left corner for your apps.

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.40.27 PM.png

2. Use the search box in the top left to find "Jira Cloud."

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.42.05 PM.png

3. Select the Jira Cloud app

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.42.50 PM.png

4. You'll see a quick preview of the app like below

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.43.22 PM.png

5. You have a few options for how to add this to Microsoft Teams. We recommend adding the app to a Team Channel as most of your collaborative work takes place there. It will also install the bot to your personal view automatically so that you can set up your own personal notifications. 

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.46.25 PM.png

6. Follow the prompts for permissions and log in. You will then see a notification in the Chat tab letting you know the bot has been installed.

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.49.44 PM.png

7. You'll see a card sent from our bot confirming the installation like below. We recommend you Sign In and set up Personal Notifications to get started and then begin to explore! smile

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.50.04 PM.png


Additional feature instructions can be found here. Drop a comment below and let us know what you think! We'd love to hear your feedback. 


Carles Mata
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November 2, 2021

I am trying to get notifications work, but the pop-up that opens when I try to start getting notifications does not load

Screenshot 2021-11-02 100559.png

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Marcel Schmaltz
November 2, 2021

I guess that there is a major problem. I'm getting the same error when i try to configure a connection without setting up the notifications.


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Carles Mata
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 2, 2021

By the way, I forgot to mention that this is not a clean install. My team was already using the previous version of the Jira integration and was working fine. This morning I simply opened the Apps tab in the Teams management and clicked on the upgrade button on Jira Cloud.

I am not sure if this is an error for upgraded apps or newly installed ones have the same problem, but I just wanted to clarify in case it helps debugging the error.

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Jeromy Ross November 2, 2021

The only option available in the store to me is the old version, version 2021.09.13 which is deprecated. There are no other Jira Cloud options available to install. Any suggestions? :)

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Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 2, 2021

@Carles Mata @Marcel Schmaltz @Jeromy Ross 

Sorry for any inconvenience! Please login through a web browser to solve this issues with personal notifications and installing the correct version. We are aware of a bug within the Microsoft Teams desktop client but this workaround should solve it.

The legacy version of the app has been removed from the app store and you should only see the new one. Thank you for letting us know!

Jeromy Ross November 2, 2021

@Tygrr DosRemedios I actually just did that and unfortunately it is still showing the old version, even on the web. I have never signed into the web until today, so it is not cached :(

Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 2, 2021

@Jeromy Ross Please click on the Get it Now button on this page - Let me know if you get directed there properly. 

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Jeromy Ross November 2, 2021

@Tygrr DosRemedios This then redirected me to the same store page, with the version being 2021.09.13


The link you sent is the correct and latest version, released Nov 1st 2021, but the version it then re-directs me to when I select "Use Web App Instead" is 2021.09.13


Thank you for helping me with all of this!!

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Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 2, 2021

@Jeromy Ross That's the correct version! You're on the latest app after all.

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Jeromy Ross November 2, 2021

@Tygrr DosRemedios You're right! I should have just tried installing it anyways. Thank you, I now have the option to manage Jira Notifications from Teams, and I have requested approval to my IT administrator!

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Sean Drohan
November 2, 2021

This is all good to know but what happened to the 'Add Comment' option from the old version - only "Create issue in Jira' remains:

I used that option A LOT to construct Jira issues.

Seems to can get the same from here post creation:

Still not as it was where it would insert a link to the Teams message post creation \ comment into the Jira ticket- preserving the reference from which the Jira issue was created from. 

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Sean Drohan
November 2, 2021

And while I am complaining, why are custom fields now missing from the creation form that pops in Teams - if they can be included, how?

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Marcel Schmaltz
November 3, 2021

Am I the only one who isnt able to connect to a team managed project?
I'm just able to connect to our site and select a saved filter. I cant select or define a filter in a team managed project.

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Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 3, 2021

@Marcel Schmaltz 

Team-managed projects do not support quick filters yet.  Here is one of the suggestions to add the feature:


As of Oct 2021, this feature is currently in development, and that team will share an update on when they should be able to release it in the coming weeks. Please try to set a filter as I am seeing access on my personal Jira test instance within a team-managed project. 


Please click on Filters in the top panel of your Jira Cloud instance > View All Filters > Select Create Filter button in the top right > Select your project > Click the gray Save > Name your filter > Save


From there you should be able to load it within the Jira Cloud for Microsoft Teams app. Let me know if this is successful for you and thanks for letting us know.

Nicholas Shaw November 4, 2021

Personal notifications are great, but I'm not seeing a way with the new app to set up a Teams channel to get notifications when issues are created/updated based on a JQL. The previous app gave a channel a webhook that you could use, but I'm not seeing a way to do that anymore.

Sean Drohan
November 9, 2021

@Nicholas Shaw Agreed.  I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth with this update but said horse left with more presents than he brought.  This release is a net negative as far as functionality is concerned. 

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Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 10, 2021

@Nic We do not have team channel notifications but this is great feedback. Let me know if you have other requests. 

@Sean Drohan Please share additional feedback and thoughts on the new app and please don't be afraid to be too hard on us.

Nicholas Shaw November 10, 2021

It looks like as of this morning the connector is able to connect to a teams channel and provide a webhook URL again, so the old functionality is at least back.

That said, some more robust teams channel notifications based on JQL would be really, really, really helpful. Basically how the Slack integration worked would be lovely.

Sean Drohan
November 12, 2021

@Tygrr DosRemedios 

I already provided two in this thread - the custom fields and the missing 'add comment' from the flyout in Teams.

No custom fields in Jira ticket creation:

If I have to open the Jira ticket to still populate those fields, it (greatly) diminishes the usefulness of having the cloud connector at all.  Again, the old connected had them, this one does not, why?

No 'add comment' flyout

The missing 'Add Comment' from the flyout is also frustrating as I now, with only the add comment in the ticket posting in Team, I need copy-paste each comment I feel would add to the ticket.

Some formatting lost

Why is the formatting (carriage returns in this case) lost when creating a Jira ticket in teams. 


Jira Cloud ticket creation window:

And what is up with this, edit something and get jerked around - every time I edit something, one gets yanked to the end of the text box - have to keep going back to the spot you want to edit?

No link to the Teams conversation post submission

It used to be that a link back to the Teams conversation that a Jira ticket was created from was also posted in the jira ticket:

It was rather useful as any context that was lacking could be seen by going to the Teams message that it was created from.  It does not do that anymore, why?

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Jeff Boon
November 20, 2021

For testing purposes, I am not able to receive personal notification when I tag myself in comment or comment on tasks with Assignee = Me?

Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2021

@Sean Drohan Thank you so much for providing such helpful context. I have good news for you as our team is currently working on bringing back

- custom fields

- adding a comment to an issue.

- including the Microsoft Teams message link to an issue 

We are also working on the editing bug you reported.

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Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2021

@Jeff Boon You will receive a personal notification only with someone else mentions you on an issue. I'd recommend watching issues or setting up a filter in a tab where you can see your own issues that you've been assigned to. Is this a common use case for you and your team?

Jeff Boon
November 22, 2021

Dear @Tygrr DosRemedios thank you for your replies, no it is not a common use case. Just for my own testing purposes.

Steve Keogh
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November 23, 2021

Hi there. The JIRA filter tab in a Teams chat is not respecting the order in the filter. Are there plans to fix this? The previous JIRA Server filter did in Teams.

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Jeff Boon
November 23, 2021

Hi @Tygrr DosRemedios , may I know can we set due date notification? This is useful as sometimes our teammates might forget to follow up on an issue. 

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