In this article I would like to provide a solution on how to use React and Atlaskit in Atlassian Server/Data center apps.
Currently, if you develop an app for Atlassian Sever/Data center apps all you have for building UI out of the box is vm, soy, requirejs, jquery, backbone. I wrote an article on the out of the box features.
But this technology stack is outdated. I personally would like to use up to date technology stack which includes typescript and react in my Atlassian apps. Also to make my application more portable between Server/Data Center and Cloud I would like to use atlaskit library of UI elements.
I will make this tutorial for Atlassian Jira but this kind of approach can be used for other Atlassian Server/Data Center products.
To reproduced all steps in this tutorial you would need git and Atlassian SDK.
Let's start!
I created a Maven archetype to make it simpler to create a new project with all React and Atlaskit settings and dependencies.
If you do not want to use the Maven archetype you can clone already created project from this archetype and go to the Build and Run project part.
Clone the Maven archetype from my Bitbucket repository:
git clone https://alex1mmm@bitbucket.org/alex1mmm/jira-react-atlaskit-archetype.git --branch v1 --single-branch
Move to the jira-react-atlaskit-archetype folder and install this archetype into your local Maven repository:
cd jira-react-atlaskit-archetype
atlas-mvn install
After the Maven archetype was installed move out of the archetype's folder and create a new project based on this archetype:
cd ..
atlas-mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
You will be asked to choose the archetype you need. I have the following local Maven archetypes:
1: local -> com.cprime.jira.sil.extension:sil-extension-archetype (This is the com.cprime.jira.sil.extension:sil-extension plugin for Atlassian JIRA.)
2: local -> ru.matveev.alexey.sil.extension:sil-extension-archetype (This is the ru.matveev.alexey.sil.extension:sil-extension plugin for Atlassian JIRA.)
3: local -> ru.matveev.alexey.atlas.jira:jira-react-atlaskit-archetype-archetype (jira-react-atlaskit-archetype-archetype)
We need the ru.matveev.alexey.atlas.jira:jira-react-atlaskit-archetype-archetype archetype. In my case it is number 3 that is why I provided number 3 as the answer.
Then you will be asked to enter the groupid and artifactid for your new project. I answered the following way:
Define value for property 'groupId': react.atlaskit.tutorial
Define value for property 'artifactId': my-tutorial
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package' react.atlaskit.tutorial: :
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: react.atlaskit.tutorial
artifactId: my-tutorial
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: react.atlaskit.tutorial
Y: : Y
In my case the my-tutorial folder was created. We need to move to the newly created folder and package this project:
cd my-tutorial
atlas-mvn package
After the project was packaged move to the backend folder and run Atlassian Jira:
cd backend
After Atlassian Jira has been started go to the following url in your browser:
You need to login with the default credentials: admin:admin and go to cog-item -> Manage apps.
You can see the menu of our app in the React section. But before trying our Atlaskit elements go to System -> Logging and Profiling and add the INFO logging level for the react.atlaskit.tutorial.servlet package.
Now go back to Manage apps and click the Form menu option. You will see a form for entering data. This form was produced by the Form Atlaskit element:
Fill all text fields and push the Submit button:
Now you can open the atlassian-jira.log file and find a line like this:
2020-05-10 08:44:29,701+0300 http-nio-2990-exec-4 INFO admin 524x12509x1 15awhw2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /plugins/servlet/form [r.a.tutorial.servlet.FormServlet] Post Data: {"firstname":"Alexey","lastname":"Matveev","description":"No description","comments":"and no comments"}
It means that the data you entered in the form were caught by the backend servlet and logged into the log file.
Now let's choose the Dynamic Table menu item in the React section. You will see the Dynamic Table Atlaskit element:
That is our application. Now let's see how it all works!
Here is the folder structure of our app:
backend contains Atlassian Jira app created from Atlassian SDK.
frontend contains UI elements which will be used in our Atlassian Jira app.
pom.xml is a parent project pom which defines two modules:
Now let's have a look at the frontend folder.
Alexey Matveev
software developer
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