Preventing users from linking issues on a specific status

Lately, I have come across a few questions about using workflow properties to restrict actions when issues are on a particular status. Therefore, inspired by this jirakb, I thought it'd be helpful to write a short article to explore another possible configuration - to prevent users from linking issues on a Done status.

The examples and references you will find in this article are primarily related to Jira Cloud company-managed projects. Still, you can apply these configurations to Server/Data Center installations. However, If you're looking for workflow customizations on team-managed projects, check out the Work in Jira Software Cloud team-managed projects documentation.


Workflow properties

Basically, workflow properties offer a way to implement restrictions on certain workflow steps or transitions. You can learn more about how to use and configure workflow properties in the following documents:



1 - Edit the workflow step property of the status you want to restrict the ability to link issues.

2 - Select Properties


3 - Add a New Property with the following parameters

  • Property Key:
  • Property Value: <some-group>

For the property value, you should choose a group to grant permission to link issues. Thus, whoever is not a member of the group, won't be able to link issues.

It's important to mention that you can also use different parameters other than groups, such as project role. You also have the ability to configure the same property more than once by adding a suffix with incremental numbers. For example:,, etc. You can find more details about the available options at Permissions based on Workflow Status.


4 - Go back to the workflow draft and click on Publish Draft. This is easy to forget, but without publishing it, the change won't take effect.



Some of the behaviours you can expect after adding the property:

  • For users who are not in the jira-administrators group, the link issues button won't be available on the screen for the Done status issues; therefore, users won't have the ability to link issues.
  • When users create new linked issues, the "Linked issues" section won't display the Done status issues; e.g., if SAMPLE-1 is in the Done status, it won't be an available issue to establish the link.


Before you go, make sure users have the link issues project permission to link an issue. Last, I know there is much more to share about this topic. So, feel free to chime in!



Alicia Pena
April 5, 2023

This did not work for me.

1.  I created a new status.

2.  I added the following property on the transition into the new status: with a property value of denied

3.  I can still link tickets from a ticket in this project to any other project in jira.

4.  I can still link any other projects jira to this ticket.


What else can I try to stop other projects from linking to this ticket once it's in a certain status?

Hila Lahav Rice July 10, 2023

worked for me! thanks

Joachim Bollen
December 8, 2023

@Alicia Pena you need to set the property on the status, not on the transition.

Mayuresh Sakharape
March 7, 2024

Hi @Ivan Lima , @Hila Lahav Rice 

I tried with status properties. With this, the link option on the given issue disappears. But the issue is available from other issues to create the link. so result#1 is achieved but result#2 fails.

Are you sure it worked for you?

Kind Regards,



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