I'd love a video run through on how to use current systems as it's a very basic guide and not sure I'm putting things in right places to make it as efficient as possible?
Hi, I am new on Jira. How I can use the backlog section with a MoSCow priorization ?
-- Self Answer --
to whom is using MoSCoW priority system, I found an easy way to implement in Jira: under the project page > Project Settings >Issue Types >Task ....on the right side Create a new Field > Drop down......add MUST, SHOULD, COULD, WON'T as different options...
Another way is to use Labels, nice if you want to filter the view ... yet powerful.
@Steven WilliamsYou can create a filter, which queries issues from several projects. Then go to the Kanban board settings and set the filter on the General tab.
The Next-gen it's an absolute setback, there shows less info and for example we can't set the time tracking. It appears in the project configuration but not in the board. I think they are big bugs for such a big company, we are planning to change provider, any suggestion?
Is it possible to add a subtask to a story, and assign a team to the subtask, without clicking through to the full Story page? It's so annoying not being able to do this via the modal
Hi, I use confluence most of the time, what i find difficult in the next-gen is that when i use the page layout feature i don't find the full width option which is very difficult for the users like me who use it for documentation purpose. What i request you is to bring that option in the next-gen also.