The roof is on FIRE… network outages, broken processes, upset clients and employees. Each day seemed to bring more and more issues. Incidents were communicated via email, messengers (skype or teams) or verbally, without documentation. The end result is an endless loop of incident resolution without an understanding of the root cause, workarounds, accountability, and documentation. We had many internal meetings discussing possible resolutions to our incident management process but the fires were spreading quicker than we could react. It seemed like an endless loop without a light at the end of the tunnel.
We took a step back and looked at our internal products that have already been implemented. Do we have existing products that can accommodate incident management? Our software development team uses Jira for project management and Confluence for documentation. Further vetting Atlassian products, we tried out Jira Service Desk (JSD). We knew we had no time to test new solutions, users prefer email and the company is growing at 35% year-over-year.
Jira Service Desk was already installed but never used and allows incoming emails to be converted to service desk tickets. This is GREAT! We decided to move forward with a license for Jira Service Desk and put a process into place.
Although the process took a few months to build and a year to get everyone on board, we now have a process for incident resolution. The process gives full, end-to-end auditing and reporting we need for compliance purposes. Our process is still being improved today but the most important part is that the process makes sense to all departments across the business. Thank you, Jira Service Desk!!!
Thomas B
Analyst of All Things
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