Jira now offers smart replies in issues

Acknowledging work or starting a conversation in Jira has just become faster and easier.

Say hello to smart replies!

comment snapshot.png

With the touch of a button, you can add a comment to an issue and instantly save it, or use it as a starting point to type more details before saving:


Work smarter, not harder

Jira’s real superpower lies in collaboration. By encouraging your team to respond to work and comment on issues faster and more often, smart replies can help your team embrace Jira’s unlimited power of accelerated collaboration.

After being positively received by a group of customers, this feature has just been rolled out to everyone. We will continue to polish it, and improve the experience.

What smart replies would help you respond to issues faster? Let us know in the comments below.

Disabling smart replies

If you don’t want to use a smart reply, simply start typing in an issue’s comment box, and the smart replies will disappear.

To hide the feature from your view, go to Settings (in the top menu) > Personal Jira settings > General, and disable the smart replies toggle within the Jira labs section.

Or to disable the feature entirely (affecting everyone in your Jira instance), contact Atlassian Support.


Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 24, 2024

Hi @Hannah McKenzie 

How may customers on a free license level disable this feature for their entire site when they cannot submit a support ticket to Atlassian?  I noticed community posts about this potential need as soon as the experimental version of the smart reply comments started appearing a few weeks ago.

Kind regards,

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Hannah McKenzie
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 24, 2024

Hi @Bill Sheboy, I'd suggest hiding it for each person's individual view in the case of a Free instance. 

 Ask each of your 10 users to:

  1. Go to Settings (top menu).

  2. Select Personal Jira settings.

  3. Make sure you’re in the General section.

  4. Disable the smart replies toggle within the Jira labs section.

Please reach out if you experience any problems, or have any questions.

Yatish Madhav
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 25, 2024

Thanks @Hannah McKenzie - this is awesome. I know canned responses is available on JSM projects. But it would be awesome to add some more configuration to this specifically like:

  • adding custom smart replies as admin or as end users
  • ability to enable or disable site/org wide
  • adding gifs as smart replies

Thanks for this, again

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Andreas Kemper September 25, 2024

@Yatish Madhav 
You are absolutely right.
The pre-defined responses do not work for us. 
As long as it is not possible to edit these responses we'd like to have the chance to disable this feature org wide. 


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tristan_cruickshanks September 25, 2024

Personally, my opinion of these "Smart" replies is that they encourage pointless updates that provide no real benefit to the actual status/progress of the work.  The addition of the "This is blocked" is especially concerning as it does not automatically  'flag' the issue for attention, combine this with "Need Help" and "Can you Clarify" are useless without further context and tagging appropriate people.  I regard these 'Smart' replies as 'Helpers' rather than providing a quick total reply.  I was surprised to see we had no option to opt out of this update, at least that is what I was told.  I have to educate squads now not to solely use the "This is Blocked" option now, as it misses existing filters on boards and dashboards, unless they also flag the issue and provide more context (in other words continue with existing method combined with this), otherwise it may be missed. 

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tristan_cruickshanks September 25, 2024

^ To Add further we could set up an automation when comment contains exact 'Smart' reply text then add a Flag to the issue ... but it might be a bit hit and miss

tristan_cruickshanks September 25, 2024

https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/Jira-now-offers-smart-replies-in-issues/bc-p/2821039#M15684  -- Hi @Hannah McKenzie  this is not a good solution when you have many users with various Jira knowledge..  A admin (org wide) option would be far more effective.

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