Many of us are facing to wrongly created workflows, creating a mess in Jira. There are inexperienced admins or event the managers creating workflows with no, or very limited knowledge about rules and must-haves within Jira and workflows logic.
In small instances, it's kind of easy to analyze those and fix them.
But what to do in the large instances?
And how to watch the instance in the future?
Today, I will share my experience with inconsistencies in Statuses vs Resolutions.
Basically, there are two states of inconsistency which could occur. Issue is in status category Done (Green), but Resolution is Empty OR Issue is in status category To Do (Grey) or In Progress (Blue), but Resolution is set.
This would let not only to user confusion, but also to wrong interpretation by Jira. See both examples below.
statusCategory = Done AND resolution is EMPTY
statusCategory != Done AND resolution is not EMPTY
So, here is the way, how to simple check your workflows health. Just run those two JQL. There should be always ZERO results.
My best practice is also to save those two JQL as the filters and subscribe to those two filters on daily basis. This would let to an email notification, if some wrong workflow would appear in the system. Then I can go, fix it and let the inexperience admins know, why and how build the workflows correctly.
If you are looking for scripted condition to check the status category, here is how to get status category name:
And you have to compare it with status category names, which are:
All of the above are from my point of view very fundamental Jira basic configurations, which have to be followed to have the application behaving as expected.
More details, officially from Atlassian, even with step-by-step instructions how to fix those, could be found at
Tomáš Vrabec
Atlassian Solution Architect & Consultant
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