Importing cascading field using CSV file in Jira

Importing data with cascading fields into Jira via CSV is tricky due to the hierarchical nature of the field, but it's not impossible and below steps will help you how to import the cascading field data into Jira using using CSV file.

Prepare Your CSV File --> Make sure your CSV file has all the necessary fields for your Jira issues, like Issue key, Issue Summary, Cascading field, etc
The cascading field need to represent in a single column
Each value in the cascading field need to be separated by the appropriate delimiter like (->, =>, >). The default delimiter in Jira is usually ">".

If not sure about the format then export the test data --> Create a test issue with the cascading field data, export this issue in CSV format and you will able to see the structure of the field in CSV format.

Construct the Cascading Field --> In your CSV file, make sure that each value in the cascading field follows the hierarchy, separated by the delimiter. (->, =>, >)
For example, if your cascading field has levels like "opt 1 > opt 2", then in CSV file it will be shown as "opt 1 > opt 2".

Import the CSV file Jira --> Navigate to Issues > Import Issues from CSV.
Map the fields, and import the data

Review the import result --> After the import, review the imported issues to confirm if everything imported as expected.

The important steps while importing the cascading is the constructing the field values in the CSV file and mapping it to the correct type of the field in Jira


Below is the sample example for migrating the two issues having cascading field values.

Capture 2024-02-23 at 9.28.26.pngCapture 2024-02-23 at 9.26.10.png

Capture 2024-02-23 at 9.28.53.png

Capture 2024-02-23 at 9.42.33.png

Capture 2024-02-23 at 9.47.12.png

Capture 2024-02-23 at 9.48.41.png

Capture 2024-02-23 at 10.12.29.pngCapture 2024-02-23 at 10.11.58.png


Pramodh M
Community Leader
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February 22, 2024

Hi Sagar,

Great Article. 

Can you please incorporate an example and may be screenshots to make it more intuitive, and this would help beginners



Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 22, 2024

Hi @Pramodh M Sure, I have added a screenshots of the sample data import to get more understanding.

Pramodh M
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 22, 2024

Thanks @Sagar It looks great

Cristea Marinescu
I'm New Here
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February 27, 2024

Jira Cloud,
It just works for the parent field without children. Tried all combinations (->, =>, >)

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Damon Chow
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March 1, 2024

Same for me, It runs and says no issues/errors but only the parent field (opt1) of the two is added 

Sjoquist, Carl
April 25, 2024

If you are using Jira Cloud, I think importing the cascading field doesn't totally work, only the parent portion gets imported.   

This doesn't give much detail, but indicates it isn't supported in Jira Cloud [JRACLOUD-34202] Allow CSV import to support Multi-Level Cascading Select plugin fields - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.


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Alf Forefront July 3, 2024

Great article Sagar, can you please add that this does not work for Cloud due to the bug mentioned in the comments?

3layer Gestão Compartilhada July 8, 2024

This works well in Jira cloud!
You guys need to export the field first to see how delimiter is the correct for your site (->, =>, >).
Here the delimiter is "- >" and i was able to create a cascade field with 5 first options and 332 second options

Alf Forefront July 10, 2024

It still does not work for me. If I make an export of an issue that has a cascading select field, and directly import it as a new issue, I still only get the parent option. My delimiter would in this case be " -> " as the export had the value G2E - Develop Enterprise Strategy and Plans (L3) -> Define IT strategy (L4)

The imported value from that file becomes G2E - Develop Enterprise Strategy and Plans (L3)


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