This approach requires you to have the JIRA administrative rights.
The main aim of this article is to help you achieve an organized, easy-to-maintain workflows in your JIRA instance thereby, reducing maintenance complexity, and this is specially dedicated to the JIRA administrator or any one responsible for managing workflows in JIRA. In order to achieve this aim, you may need to consider the following points.
Merging similar workflows: At some point in time you may realize that your workflow structure looks like a spider’s nest. Therefore, you would need to deal with this situation. First of all, merging workflows can be tedious and time consuming but worth it. You will need to identify all workflows with the same steps by:
I would suggest that steps column should have the possibility of being sorted, this will make it easy to get all steps(similar) by just sorting them and copying the list to your text file unfortunately, such a feature has not been implemented in JIRA.
In the same workflows view mode, you are able to see all the workflow schemes which the workflow is assigned to - click on the link to navigate and see all the projects using this workflow. Do the same for the next workflow with the same steps to find all projects using this workflow and so on. Since they have the same steps, check the workflow settings, and then decide which one of them to use from the list. You will need to associate issue type(s) to this workflow in these projects which you have found by:
Sometimes, you may need to use the same workflow scheme for these projects since the projects are using these same workflow mapping to issue types except for the workflow that has the same steps mapped to any other issue type.
One may ask the question; “what if I have workflows with same steps but different settings in conditions, validators, post functions, triggers, properties? Why should I merge these workflows together? ” Well the answer is that you will need to decide whether you want to have the same settings for multiple projects or to not have any of these settings at all, since many projects could use the same settings depending on the workflow requirements. I have encountered many cases where I could use similar workflows in different projects.
In conclusion to this point, you are able to reduce similar un-necessary workflows by using one instead of many similar workflows. After merging workflows, in the long run you would realize that you have reduced complexity. Please Note if you don’t have to merge similar workflows then don’t .
Remove un-necessary workflow schemes:
To clean them up, it can be cumbersome to delete them one after the other. I was doing it manually until I decided to automate this process thanks to Script runner plugin for JIRA /Groovy programming language.
//Here is a working groovy script: script should surely work for JIRA 7.x and above
//Minor variable change from my side
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
def schemeManager = ComponentAccessor.workflowSchemeManager
def delete_workflow_scheme= new StringBuffer()
schemeManager.schemeObjects.each {
if(schemeManager.getProjectsUsing(schemeManager.getWorkflowSchemeObj( == 0) {
delete_workflow_scheme.append("Deleting workflow scheme: ${}\n")
catch(Exception e) {
delete_workflow_scheme.append("Error: " + e + "\n");
return delete_workflow_scheme.toString()
Reference: @Bill Neff Thanks for the inspiring code.
Remove all in-active workflows :
Please note ! in order to delete inactive workflows you will have to remove workflow schemes, then you can now go ahead to remove workflows not in use.
//Here is a working Groovy script: script should surely work in JIRA 7.x and above
//Minor variable change from my side
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
def workflowManager = ComponentAccessor.workflowManager
def schemeManager = ComponentAccessor.workflowSchemeManager
def Delete_Work_Flow = new StringBuffer()
workflowManager.workflows.each {
if(!it.systemWorkflow) {
def schemes = schemeManager.getSchemesForWorkflow(it)
if (schemes.size() == 0) {
Delete_Work_Flow.append("Deleting workflow: ${}\n")
return Delete_Work_Flow.toString()
Reference: @Jeff Ward Thanks for the inspiring code
Re-use workflows:
To achieve this in a proper manner, if your organization uses JIRA to support development teams, internal users who are using JIRA projects to manage their products, then I recommend that you create a special project, for example JIRA-Refinement(JIR) that users could create request ticket in this project for the creation of new Jira projects by the JIRA administrator. You can add the workflow field on the create issue screen for example
From the image above, you can see that users need to choose already existing ones or new workflow, most times already existing ones are being choosing since you have already discussed with various teams regarding workflows A, B and C; if at all they choose new, then they would need to add attachment to show a vivid picture on how the workflow should look like. Check whether or not the workflow which they have requested for already exist without any special settings in workflow, then reuse it this way you keep workflows compact. Note that when you create a new project in JIRA default work is automatically added. Thus, you will need to change the workflow / workflow scheme in this project. Default workflow for the project will move to inactive workflow / workflow schemes :) we know how to remove them !
I hope that some one find's this article useful.
Moses Thomas
Founder - Red Moth Technologies
Red Moth Tech / ATOS
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