How to add issue types in Jira Cloud

Hello, Atlassian Community! 

In this video, you will learn about how to add issue types in Jira Cloud.

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If you found this video tutorial helpful, you can learn more by enrolling in our comprehensive, hands-on training course (Jira Administration Part I) at Atlassian University.

And if you have any more questions about this video, please leave them in the comments below! 


Sarah Elmer
April 8, 2021

How would you rearrange the order of Issue Types? Can you drag and drop?

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Dave Liao
Community Leader
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April 11, 2021

@Sarah Elmer - hi Sarah! You can rearrange the order of issue types as presented within a project by modifying the issue type scheme associated with the project. Good luck!

If you still need help with Jira, be sure to search Community, and ask a question if no one has asked your question yet. 😊


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