Hi, community!
I want to share my story with you.
As a community leader I use the oppertunity to keep learning and do Atlassian certification exams. That's a great way to add knowledge and stay expert.
I just passed the Jira admin for cloud ACP-120 exam yesterday on first try :)
That was not easy, I would like to share some tips with you if you think about going to do this exam.
How to start?
If you are a beginner, or do not have a lot of experience with Jira cloud you should complete the two courses as pre-requisite
jira-administration-part-1 and jira-administration-part-2
They are not free (39$ each)
After you complete the knowledge of the 2 courses (or if you have it in advanced):
I recommend to go step by step with this new course Atlassian provides
ACP-120 Jira Administration for Cloud Exam Success
It provides great pereperation and reall examples. During the exam I smiled and knew the right answer - I learned it from the course.
BEFORE you start the course, download the acp-120-exam-topics-list.pdf from the resource section. It provides the order of the exam topics and very helpfull links to each subjects.
So make the course in parallel to the PDF and go the suguessted links during the study,they provide more details.
Do not be satisfied only with course content - read Atlassian documents during the learning and shape your knowledge.
Atlassian provides more free courses that can be assist with the exam topics - I recommend to keep time for them too.
managing permissions in Jira cloud
Practticing is part of the learning curve.
Atlassian provides free access to Jira cloud (and other tools) if you use less than ten users. So I careated new site and during the learning time I tried everything I leaned on my site until it worked and untill I fully understood the specific chapter .
I created four users:
In this way I could illustrate all the scenarious and checked my knowledge.
NOTE : the free subscription does not provide permissions support.
Since permission is a big part of the exam, I recommend to upgrade to standard or premium edition. You can use free trial for one month.
After a month, if you still need it' you can pay for four users,it's not expensive.
And last tip : I added Confluence to my site and wrote all my comments there. At the end, I reviewed my comcomments, that was very helpfull.
I installed Confluene app on my mobile phone so I could see my comments and tips there, even on the way to the exam :)
I wish you good luck!
Gal Fatal
Atlassian certified expert and Community Leader
2 accepted answers