Hi everyone! This is Julia from the Atlassian University Certification Team.
I’m very excited to tell you about two new free Exam Success courses to help you get certified: ACP-120 Jira Administration for Cloud Exam Success and ACP-100 Jira Administration for Data Center Exam Success.
The course covers every exam topic and subtopic to make sure you understand everything you need to know, practice, or learn in order to pass. It will help you see where you have knowledge gaps and help you formulate your study plan. In addition, you’ll find examples of best practices.
You’ll be able to quickly get into the mindset of the exam by studying the many practice questions in the course – including all the explanations for every answer.
The best part?
Exam Success courses are developed by the same Atlassian experts who write the exams.
The average score of those who complete Exam Success is higher by 6 points, and those who don't take the course have an average score 5 points below passing!
Exam Success courses also point you towards important additional courses to fully prepare. The Certification Team has developed an entire library of free short courses to ensure your preparation is as complete as possible. Completing these short free courses is critical to your success. The Exam Success has you covered there: Every relevant course is listed in your Exam Success in the corresponding section of study.
And one last word from Community member @Ubaid Eusuf Zai:
“This is by far the best course I have come across for ACP-120 preparation. Just because of this course I managed to get 85% result on my first ever Atlassian Certification! Looking forward for more.”
Atlassian Certified Jira Administrator for Cloud and Community Member
Get the most complete exam preparation that Atlassian has for you!
Grab one of the free study companions now:
ACP-120 Jira Administration for Cloud Exam Success→
ACP-100 Jira Administration for Data Center Exam Success→
Happy Learning!
Julia and the Atlassian University Certification Team