Hi Atlassian Community!
It's time to share another Python script.
This script automates the generation of work log reports from Jira. It is designed to assist teams in efficiently tracking time spent on projects and provide flexible reporting options to suit different needs.
The solution
This script makes use of the Jira REST API to gather work log data across specified projects within a given timeframe. It then generates CSV reports based on user preferences, offering insights into work logs per user or/and per project.
Key Features
Dynamic Project Selection
Input the number of projects and their keys to fetch work logs.
Customizable Timeframe
Specify the number of days (up to 30 - customizable) for which you want to retrieve work logs.
Flexible Reporting Options: Choose from multiple report formats, including:
All work logs per user
Total time spent per user per project
Total time spent per project
Specific user work logs (using user's name)
Total time spent by a specific user per project
Comprehensive reports combining all options for all users
Comprehensive reports combining all options for a specific user
Python Environment: Install the necessary libraries by running:
pip install requests pandas
Prepare your Jira Cloud site URL (your-domain.atlassian.net), email address with admin rights, and API token. You can generate an API token from Atlassian's account security page.
The script
import requests
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from getpass import getpass
import pandas as pd
import os
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
jira_domain = input("Enter your Jira domain (e.g., your-domain.atlassian.net): ")
email = input("Enter your Jira email: ")
api_token = getpass("Enter your Jira API token: ")
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(email, api_token)
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
total_projects_retrieved = 0
total_issues_retrieved = 0
total_worklogs_retrieved = 0
def get_project_keys():
"""Get project keys from user input."""
while True:
project_keys = input("\nEnter project keys separated by commas (Ex. PROJ1,PROJ2,PROJ3): ").strip().split(',')
project_keys = [key.strip() for key in project_keys if key.strip()]
if project_keys:
return project_keys
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
print("Please provide valid project keys.")
def get_issues_for_project(project_key, start_date):
"""Fetch issues for a given project that were updated or created since start_date."""
issues = []
start_at = 0
max_results = 50
jql = f"project={project_key} AND updated >= {start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"
while True:
url = f"https://{jira_domain}/rest/api/3/search"
params = {"jql": jql, "startAt": start_at, "maxResults": max_results}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=auth, params=params)
data = response.json()
if start_at + max_results >= data['total']:
start_at += max_results
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to fetch issues for project {project_key}. Error: {e}")
return issues
def get_worklogs(issue_key, start_date):
"""Fetch worklogs for a given issue since start_date."""
worklogs = []
url = f"https://{jira_domain}/rest/api/3/issue/{issue_key}/worklog"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=auth)
data = response.json()
for worklog in data['worklogs']:
log_date = datetime.strptime(worklog['started'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z').date()
if log_date >= start_date:
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to fetch worklogs for issue {issue_key}. Error: {e}")
return worklogs
def convert_to_minutes(time_string):
"""Convert Jira time format to total minutes."""
time_units = {"w": 10080, "d": 1440, "h": 60, "m": 1}
total_minutes = 0
time_parts = time_string.split()
for part in time_parts:
unit = part[-1]
value = int(part[:-1])
total_minutes += value * time_units[unit]
return total_minutes
def save_report(df, csv_file):
"""Save the dataframe to a CSV file."""
df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
logging.info(f"Report generated and saved to {csv_file}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to save the report. Error: {e}")
def generate_user_report(df, specific_user=None):
"""Generate report data filtered by a specific user."""
if specific_user:
df = df[df['User'] == specific_user]
return df
def generate_time_summary(df, group_by_columns):
"""Generate summary report grouped by the specified columns."""
return df.groupby(group_by_columns)['Time Spent (minutes)'].sum().reset_index()
def generate_reports(df):
"""Handle the generation of different types of reports."""
report_choices = {
1: lambda df: df,
2: lambda df: generate_time_summary(df, ['Project', 'User']),
3: lambda df: generate_time_summary(df, ['Project']),
4: lambda df, user: generate_user_report(df, user),
5: lambda df, user: generate_time_summary(generate_user_report(df, user), ['Project', 'User']),
6: lambda df: pd.concat([df, generate_time_summary(df, ['Project', 'User']), generate_time_summary(df, ['Project'])]),
7: lambda df, user: pd.concat([generate_user_report(df, user), generate_time_summary(generate_user_report(df, user), ['Project', 'User'])])
file_paths = []
while True:
print("\nChoose the type of report you want to generate:")
print("1. All worklogs per user (all users)")
print("2. Total time spent per user (all users) per project")
print("3. Total time spent per project (includes all users)")
print("4. All worklogs by a specific user")
print("5. Total time spent by a specific user per project")
print("6. All worklogs per user + Total time spent per user per project + Total time spent per project")
print("7. All worklogs by a specific user + Total time spent by the user per project + Total time spent per project by the user")
choice = int(input("\nEnter your choice (1-7): "))
if choice not in report_choices:
raise ValueError("Invalid choice.")
specific_user = None
if choice in [4, 5, 7]:
specific_user = input("Enter the user name for the specific user report: ")
report_func = report_choices[choice]
report_data = report_func(df, specific_user) if specific_user else report_func(df)
csv_file = f"jira_report_choice_{choice}.csv"
save_report(report_data, csv_file)
another_report = input("\nDo you want to generate another report? (yes/no): ").strip().lower()
if another_report != 'yes':
except ValueError as e:
logging.error(f"{e}. Please try again.")
if file_paths:
print("\nThe following reports were created:")
for path in file_paths:
def generate_report():
"""Main function to generate the worklog report."""
global total_projects_retrieved, total_issues_retrieved, total_worklogs_retrieved
project_keys = get_project_keys()
while True:
days = int(input("\nEnter how many days in the past to create the report for (1-30): "))
if 1 <= days <= 30:
raise ValueError("Days must be between 1 and 30.")
except ValueError as e:
logging.error(f"{e}. Please try again.")
start_date = datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=days)
report_data = []
for project_key in project_keys:
logging.info(f"Processing project: {project_key}")
issues = get_issues_for_project(project_key, start_date)
total_projects_retrieved += 1
total_issues_retrieved += len(issues)
worklogs_retrieved = 0
for issue in issues:
worklogs = get_worklogs(issue['id'], start_date)
worklogs_retrieved += len(worklogs)
for worklog in worklogs:
time_spent_minutes = convert_to_minutes(worklog['timeSpent'])
"Project": project_key,
"User": worklog['author']['displayName'],
"Issue": issue['key'],
"Time Spent (minutes)": time_spent_minutes,
"Date": worklog['started'][:10]
total_worklogs_retrieved += worklogs_retrieved
logging.info(f"Completed processing {len(issues)} issues and retrieved {worklogs_retrieved} worklogs for project {project_key}.")
if report_data:
df = pd.DataFrame(report_data)
logging.info("\nNo worklog data available to generate a report.")
logging.info(f"\nTotal projects processed: {total_projects_retrieved}")
logging.info(f"Total issues processed: {total_issues_retrieved}")
logging.info(f"Total worklogs retrieved: {total_worklogs_retrieved}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
logging.critical(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
API Rate Limits
The script includes pauses to avoid hitting Jira's rate limits which could cause some slowness in the total execution time
Data Privacy
Ensure that the API token is kept secure and not hardcoded into the script
Output Files
The script generates CSV files in the current directory. Ensure write permissions are available
While this script is designed to facilitate certain interactions with JIRA Software Cloud as a convenience, it is essential to understand that its functionality is subject to change due to updates to JIRA Software Cloud’s API or other conditions that could affect its operation.
Please note that this script is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranties of any kind. This script is not officially supported or endorsed by Atlassian, and its use is at your own discretion and risk.
Thanks to @Rustem Shiriiazdanov _Actonic_ for the improvement suggestions!
Delfino Rosales
Senior Cloud Support Engineer
Amsterdam, NL