In case you have missed the announcement or have not being following the JAC ticket, this was shipped today. Personally I think this is huge.
And here is the Atlassian guidance documentation:
Though it is listed under Jira Service Management, I believe it will apply to forms under Jira Business projects, too. But I need to test that out.
One note is that I do not see the Forms Submitted trigger under the Global Automation path under Settings > System. But I do see it if I go to Automation under Project Settings (for both JSM projects and Jira Business projects (one that has an "Advanced Form" under it).
Speaking of testing it out, I have not actually tried it yet either. I wanted to help get the word out here first so others can join in, give it a try, and provide feedback in the Comments.
Once I have tried it for myself, I will update this article with and example or two of a rule that uses them. I have one form for a client that has more than 25 date fields in it alone. While I have used some complicated processes/coding to avoid custom fields, most probably have not gone that route.
I am very interested in your experiments and implementations. Maybe Atlassian can post up an example rule in the Automation Playground if not there already.
Special thanks to @Sam Knight for shipping this. I am sure he would love your feedback, too!
John Funk
Jira Systems Administrator
ProVision Systems
Dubai, UAE
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