Enhanced Jira board and backlog


Atlassian Team
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August 3, 2023

Hi @Tracy B - thanks for the feedback! We're on it! For some people, it is showing intermittently and we've got a fix underway for this already. Thanks

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 3, 2023

Hi @Tammy Aulston - thanks for the feedback! Given you are a product admin, you have the changes a little earlier than the rest of the people on your site. They will be getting the changes in about 2 weeks time. Cheers 

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August 7, 2023
In te past, when I selected a version on the backlog, all the epics that did not belong to that version were grayed out. This was very useful because some epics were only applicable for certain versions. With the new design, it looks like this is not working anymore? All epics remain black when I select just one version. For me it is now very hard to have a quick view to see which epics belong to which version.
It would be an even better solution if you could only see the epics of the version you selected. 
Sanjay Nayar August 7, 2023

@Eoin Overall I really like the updates.  Nice Work! One thing that Ive found a bit annoying though is that browser search no longer works unless the issue is within the view frame.  Im assuming this was done to improve performance and not load issues until you scroll to them.


The problem is that I quite often would use a JIRA issue number and then search for it using browser find (cmd-f, crtl-f) to jump to that issue.  Now that is not functional and the only way to do this is to use the search box which doesnt jump to but rather filters the entire board.  It is extremely important to be able to see the issue in context (ie I search for Issue 12345 and see that its about 7 issues down in my Ready queue).  Often after searching for it, that issue gets dragged to reprioritize either up or down.  With filtering and not finding I have no way of doing that.    


It would be nice to either support browser search for the entire data set or have another way to "jump to" rather than filter.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2023

Hi @Maurice - Let us explore this further. The pattern doesn't extend itself nicely across all filters but we can take another look at it. Thanks for your feedback. I will let you know what decide. Cheers

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2023

Hi @Sanjay Nayar - thanks for your feedback. You are correct that this is related to how we load the issues on the new UI. We will be exploring some product workarounds for this browser behaviour and I will let you know where we get to. Cheers

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August 9, 2023

@Eoin The new visual and performance improvements are outstanding. Thanks!

I'm experiencing one bug though: When mouse-dragging a card, duplicate drop zones are rendered if a status has multiple incoming transitions.

For example:

  • Our Status "To Review" has two incoming transitions. 
  • One originating from status "In Progress"
  • One originating from a different status.
  • The "Request Review" transition is "re-used" during workflow creation. Maybe that is the underlying issue.

As you can see in the screenshot below, I'm dragging the "In Progress" card which has a singular transition to the "To Review" status. However, the "Request Review" drop zone is rendered twice.

2023-08-09 New Jira Workflow.png

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 9, 2023

Thanks for the detailed feedback @Remi Very helpful! We've got a fix coming for this in the coming days! But we still may have missed some scenarios. Let us know if you still have this problem later next week. Cheers

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Lara Huilén Capuccio August 10, 2023

They are functionalities with a lot of value, congratulations! It would be interesting if the sprint value and card layout options are edited from the backlog.

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Joel Scott August 11, 2023

I'm loving this new update!!  The rest of my team is getting jealous though 😛, but I can't figure out why they don't have access to enable this on their own boards?  I understand the more widespread release isn't until the 14th, but shouldn't they still see the option to enable it?

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Apryl Harris
August 11, 2023

I think this enhancement was supposed to improve performance, But I've actually noticed some latency and updates taking longer to save, a time or two I've gotten stuck. Anyone else having the same issues?

I hadn't noticed that before I toggled on the new board/backlog functionality. Maybe it's a coincidence; and the cause is related to something else.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 13, 2023

Hi @Lara Huilén Capuccio - thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure what you mean by sprint value - feel free to email me directly if you want to expand on this at eryan@atlassian.com.
As for card layout, we are hoping to expand on that soon - where we allow you to toggle and off the fields that are set out of the box by Jira and added to by your board admin. This is possible with the epic field right now - although it is buried in the meatball (three dots) menu at the top right of the page. Thank you :) 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 13, 2023

Thanks @Joel Scott for the feedback! We're giving all users on standard and premium plans the ability to opt-in this week - latest by Friday as we roll out over the course of the week! Glad you're enjoying the new experience!

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 13, 2023

Thanks @Apryl Harris for the feedback! We've had some cases where the experience has become more laggy and we're keen to work through those to improve the experience for all. Would you be available to do a catchup to show us your setup and show us where you are noticing the latency - you can see my calendar here https://calendly.com/eoinryan/30min. Cheers, Eoin!

Etai Leers
August 14, 2023

@Eoin Any chance it is not supported on iOS MacBook and only on windows?

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Apryl Harris
August 14, 2023

@Eoin Ryan - I cleared my browser on Friday and it is much better now. Not experiencing any latency right now. If it crops up again, I'll let you know. Thank you.

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Apryl Harris
August 14, 2023

I am a Jira Admin (site and org) for a Jira cloud Premium instance.

i have the enhancements toggled on my board. But when I checked with another user who is NOT a Jira Admin, he did not have the option toggle on the enhancements. I thought the option to toggle on would be on for all users by now.

so, how do i toggle on the new enhancements for all users so they can begin acclimating to the enhancements? i checked with another user and he does not have the option to toggle on the new enhancements.

please advise.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2023
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2023

Hi @Apryl Harris - should be available by the end of the week! Thanks

Cecile Starrenburg
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August 15, 2023

Just activated the new backlog/board improvements and I have two questions:
1 - In our project we work with due dates and subtasks. Our board/backlog is ordered based on the duedate, so that issues that need to be done today are shown at the top. Subtasks can also have their own due dates. It looks like now when sorting on the board, the due date of the subtask is ignored and the position of the ticket on the board is determined by the duedate of the parent issue. Is that correct?

2 - On the backlog, the due date field is now shown below the issue-number and because of that the tickets on the backlog look much 'larger'. Instead of 1 line 2 lines are needed and less issues fit on the screen at the same time. Is there a way to change that? 

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Jean Collins Fozin
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August 16, 2023

Great  enhancement indeed... it brings  value  to our scrum events !

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2023

Hi @Cecile Starrenburg - thanks for the feedback - this isn't what I'd expect. Would be able to do a zoom chat so I can get more info so we can get this resolved https://calendly.com/eoinryan/30min Let me know if the times on there don't fit for you - you can email me at eryan@atlassian.com We'd have a gift card for you as thanks for your time! Cheers, Eoin

Shivani Bhardwaj August 17, 2023

Just started exploring and till now finding it useful.

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I'm New Here
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August 17, 2023

Thanks a lot for the update!
I used to go to the Backlog view to visually group them by Epic or go to the Sprint view to check the Progress.. and filter by person... But now Sprint and Backlog view has all that in one! The backlog view is amazing. I need to check around to disable time estimation and priority, but that's on me. 

Thnks for the dark mode; thanks for this!

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Jim McNeill
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August 18, 2023

Please don't remove the ability to print issue cards - printing them to PDF is the best way to provide evidence to third parties

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