The purpose of this workshop is to educate people from all levels of experience about how to work with Jira Software next-gen projects. Additionally, we’ll walk you through how to integrate Jira and Bitbucket from start to finish. From there we will guide you through how these two tools work together and how they can be used practically. Once you complete this workshop you can run through the advanced steps at the end to test the knowledge you’ve gained. Good luck, traveler!
An understanding of what an Epic, Story, and Issue are:
A Computer running an operating systems with a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
A stable internet connection faster than 56k dial-up and be RFC 1149 compliant.
An email address that you have access too (Don’t use your neighbor's email)
The ability to read and write in English (This workshop will only be available in English, you’re welcome to translate to other languages)
Estimated: 2+ hour to complete
1. If you’re brand new to Jira or don’t have a site proceed to step 2.
a. If you already have a Jira site, you can go directly to the Project > Create project to create a brand new one.
ii. Click on Change template > Try a next-gen template > Select the Kanban template.
iii. For the project name, key and access, go to step 10 and continue from there.
2. Make sure to use a personal account (and if needed, create an Atlassian account).
3. Go to and click on Try for free on the top right.
4. Click on Try Cloud for Jira Software.
5. On the next page, click on Try it free for Jira Software only. (You may see a different version of this page).
6. You’ll need to confirm your account via email and verify it. Follow the steps within the email you should have received during setup.
7. If you are not signed in, on the next page you will have the option to log in with Google or using an email and after that, you can choose a name to your site.
8. Click on Continue and for this workshop, we will skip the following prompts, as follows.
a. Skip question for “Which of these best describes what you do?”
b. Skip question for “What type of team do you work in?”
c. Skip the “Invite your team” prompt unless you want to invite some folks while you do the workshop, we can’t stop you.
9. Follow the onboarding “Help us set up your Jira” screens to create a project using the Kanban template.
a. Select the following for the Help us setup up your Jira:
i. I am “New to” Jira.
ii. My Team is “New to” agile methodologies.
iii. We spend our time working on “Features”
iv. We have a “Flexible” schedule to finish our work.
b. Once you’ve made your selection, click next and select the Kanban template on the following screen. (See screenshots below):
10. Once you’ve chosen your Project Type (KANBAN), add the name “JSW Workshop” to your project and select the access to private (Ensure the Key is set to “JW”).
11. Click “Create” once the above is confirmed correct.
12. Congratulations! Your first project has been created and ready to use.
To find your new project and future projects, as an administrator you can go to Projects > View all projects.
If you are using the old navigation bar (sidebar) you may use:
For Admins: Navigate to Jira settings > Projects > Projects.
For Users (Non-Admins): Navigate to Projects.
Both options you can find on the left sidebar.
Navigate projects with the sidebar
1. Let’s start by enabling the features for our project. Click on Project settings > Features and enable all features available. (See above info box for where to access this). Note: By default, Sprints feature will be greyed out since it's necessary to have a backlog to start a sprint, so enable the Backlog first and the option will be available.
b. Details why you must do this: Enable agile features in next-gen projects.
2. Now, let's add a new issue type to our project. By default, a new Kanban project has only the issue types Epic, Task, and Subtask, so let’s add one more. On the left sidebar, click on Issue types > Add issue type and choose “Story” > Add.
3. Click on Project settings and then “Back to project”.
4. Let’s create a version by clicking on Releases on the left sidebar > Create version.
5. Enter the Name as “1.0”, this will be your version. Select the start date for today and the release date 2 weeks from today. Leave the description blank for this example.
6. Now that the project is configured, we are going to create 10 Jira issues. The issues will be created as follows (The following steps will guide you through how to create these issues): 2 Epics, 3 Stories, 5 Tasks.
7. Go to Backlog to create the issues.
8. First, we will create Epics and for that, we will use the (+) button on the Top navigation bar or Create on the top navigation bar (it will depend on the UI).
9. Let’s set the summary for the first Epic as “Epic 1” and the second epic’s summary as “Epic 2”.
10. Now, we create the remaining issues directly in the Backlog. Click on + Create Issue button under the Backlog:
11. You can see that there is an option to select the issue type, so let’s start with 3 stories and call it Story 1, Story 2 and Story 3. Just type the summary and press Enter/Return.
12. Then, select Task and create Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4, Task 5.
13. Your backlog should look like the screenshot below:
14. Informational: Issues are only visible on a Board when we start a Sprint or if the Sprint is disabled, we can add and create new issues directly on the board. For this workshop, we will use a sprint that we already enabled on step 1 in this chapter.
15. Now, let’s start our first sprint.
a. Make sure you are on the backlog.
ii. If you are on another page or even on the main page, check the note at the beginning of this chapter to access your project again.
iii. If you are on the Project settings page, click on “Back to the project” as mentioned in Step 3.
16. By default, the Project will have a sprint ready to receive issues in the backlog, from here drag and drop issues from the backlog to “JW Sprint 1”.
i. Pro tip: Shift-click allows you to move ALL issues at once.
17. Once all the tickets are moved to the sprint, click on "Start sprint”.
18. It will show the screen below to add a name and select the duration. Let’s keep the default configuration and then click on “Start”.
19. Informational: By default, next-gen projects have three statuses: To-Do, In Progress, and Done. To-Do will always be the first column. Done will always be the last column and also the only status that adds a resolution to an issue. All status added between To Do and Done will be In Progress. With that said, let’s create a new status.
20. Click on + next to Done and add a new status called “Selected for Development” and place the new status after To Do (drag and drop).
21. Now, let’s add the version we created to the Tasks. Click on each task and select the version on the “Fix versions” field.
22. Let’s also add the Tasks and Stories to an Epic. Stories will be added to Epic 1 and Tasks to Epic 2. For that, click on the issue and on the top right, click to “Add parent”.
Up Next we’ll have you transition some issues between statuses.
Next-gen projects have a simplified board and Epics are not visible. The only way to show Epics on a Board is by using the “Group by”. For more details, please check our documentation Manage epics in next-gen projects. In this workshop, we will use the Roadmap to manage them.
1. On the left sidebar, click on the Roadmap to view Epics. (If you get a pop-up for share your plan, skip this step).
a. Assign due dates to Epics: Click on the first Epic to open it on the right side and change the Start and Due date.
i. Set the Start date to today and set the Due date a month from now.
b. Click on the other Epic and add the Start date two weeks from now and the Due date one month after the Start date. Also, assign it to the Fix versions.
c. For this Epic we will also change its color. Click on the color block next to the Epic name.
i. By default it’s purple, but you can change it selecting the color you most like for better visualization on the roadmap.
2. Expand the Epic 1 and create a new story by clicking on +.
a. If you’re not seeing the ∨ then go back to ensure Chapter 2 step 17 was completed.
i. Click on the new Story and change its status to Done. Now the status bar of the Epic will show the three colors of the status to represent its progress.
3. On the top of the roadmap, you will find some filters that will change your view of the issues. Feel free to change the filters to see the differences of what each one does on the Roadmap.
b. You can also Share and Export the roadmap. “Share” is the best option if you want to show the roadmap for an internal user. The “Export”, as it will generate a PNG image, it will allow you to share with someone that doesn't have access to Jira.
4. Click on Epic 2 and change its status to “In Progress”.
5. Within Epic 2, change the status of two tasks to Selected for Development and two to Done. A simple way to do this without going to the board or viewing the issue is by clicking on the status directly on the Epic like the following screenshot.
6. Before closing the other Tasks and the Epic, let’s go back to the Releases page to see the progress of the Version.
b. Clicking on “1.0” will open the list of the issues linked to the Version.
7. Within your browser navigate back (Click Back within your Browser).
8. Within the left sidebar, click on Board.
9. Now Move all Tasks to the Done column.
10. Next, let’s go to the Roadmap and close “Epic 2” by changing the status to Done. From there, navigate back to Releases (you’ll see releases on the left sidebar).
11. Now that the Epic and Child issues are closed, we can release our Version 1.0.
a. Click on “Release”, we had set a different date for release, but as we are releasing it today, select today’s date in the dropdown.
12. The Version will not be visible anymore, because the default filter only shows Unreleased versions, so change the filter to show the Released ones.
13. Go back to the Board and click on Complete Sprint.
a. The Stories are still open, so on the pop-up screen that appears, select to move it to the backlog.
14. Kudos for you! You’ve learned all the basic and most useful steps to start using Jira Software.
1. Make sure to use a personal account.
a. If you already use a personal cloud site, create a new project and limit access to private so your team won’t see it on the project list (This is a learning workshop after all). Proceed to step 10.
2. Go to and click on Try for free on the top right.
3. Enter your personal email address.
4. Follow the prompts to enter your information.
a. Take note of your password, you’ll need this later.
5. You’ll be sent an email, navigate to your personal email and follow the request to verify your account.
6. Log in to Bitbucket.
a. If you’re using a different account for Bitbucket you’ll need to validate your account.
7. You’ll be prompted to enter a username for your Bitbucket setup, choose a username and enter it, once done select Continue.
8. There will be an experience page, for this workshop skip these questions by selecting…..skip.
9. You should now see “Here’s where your work shines through”. Select Create repository.
10. You’ll need to name your repository, name it “WorkshopLab”.
a. Ensure it’s selected and Private (The default).
b. Include a readme file, “Yes, with a template”.
i. Use Git (If prompted).
c. Don’t worry about advanced for this workshop.
d. Click Create Repository once all of the above are confirmed.
11. Congratulations, you’ve set up a Bitbucket account, Project and Repo!
It’s now time to connect Bitbucket to Jira.
1. Within Bitbucket, locate your avatar (Your initial avatar are your initials) in the bottom left of the screen (It’ll be under the ? section).
2. Click on your avatar and select Bitbucket Settings.
3. Within Bitbucket settings locate and click on Jira under “Atlassian Integrations”.
a. More information on Connect Bitbucket Cloud to Jira Software Cloud.
4. Within this screen, you should see the Jira instance you’ve created above, click Connect.
a. Select Grant access (Within Bitbucket).
b. You’ll be redirected to Jira now, Select Grant access.
c. It’ll prompt showing they’ve been connected, leave both options selected and click “Ok”.
d. Read the prompts and click “Okay, Got it”.
5. You’ve now connected Bitbucket to Jira and Jira to Bitbucket. Give yourself a high five, an adequate compliment and a moment to reflect on your life choices which have lead to this event.
1. Jira and Bitbucket are great together, but using Smart Commits it becomes awesome! Smart Commits allows you to keep your team updated in Jira about any change in your code.
2. Let’s start making a change to a file, Navigate back to Bitbucket by clicking on your Repository of “WorkshopLab” (This is the source page for your Repository).
a. You can find your Repository on the main page or by clicking on Repositories on the left sidebar.
ii. Go to Source in “WorkshopLab” then click on and click to Edit.
iii. Add a sentence on the first line of the file. It can be your name, the time you are editing the file or some Yoda famous sentence Do or do not, there is no try!
iv. Click on Commit, replace the prepopulated commit comment with something of your own creation (Example: I DID A THING FOR REASONS) and click Commit again.
v. On the left sidebar, click on Commits to see the list of all updates.
3. Now let’s make a Smart Commit to understand the difference.
a. Go to Source, click on and click on Edit again.
b. Add a sentence to the top of the file then click on Commit, but now we will add a Jira issue key (JW-6) within the Commit comment for this Commit to also appear on the ticket. Click Commit once the Issue key (JW-6) is entered.
c. Go to your JSW Workshop project (Check the note on Chapter 2) > Backlog and choose one of the three Stories.
i. Remember on Chapter 3 step 13 when we complete the sprint we move the three stories to the backlog.
d. Copy the issue key (This will look like JSW-123 or similar) and paste it on Commit changes box in Bitbucket and click Commit.
e. Go back to Jira and refresh the page to see the changes on the ticket.
i. If you forgot to let Jira and Bitbucket in different tabs on your browser, no problem. To go back to Jira from Bitbucket you can click on “Switch to” on the left sidebar and select your site.
f. On the right side, you will see the Development tag and it will show 1 commit.
For the next steps, you’ll be briefed through the asks for you to complete. Use the reference steps from the above chapters to refresh on how to complete the following;
1. Now for you to run through these steps on your own.
2. On your Jira project, click on Releases > Create version.
a. Enter the name as "2.0". The start date is today and end date two weeks from now. The description can be empty (or not, it's up to you!).
3. Associate any Epics and Issues to this version.
4. Within Jira; Create a new issue type of task with feature requests (This is the summary of the issue) in them, asking for a change within your code.
a. Within Bitbucket; “code” the feature request and commit the change (using smart commit).
5. Within Jira; Create a new task reporting a bug, you’ll need to “fix” an issue within your code.
a. Within Bitbucket; “code” the bug and commit the change (using smart commit).
b. Confirm your commit within Bitbucket.
6. Within Jira, validate your code commits are reflected within your Jira issue.
a. Add some additional information to the Jira issue. (i.e. Application is ready to be shipped).
b. Progress your Jira issue through the workflow you configured.
7. Ship your next release (You’ll need to have a version ready so you may ship/release).
1. In this chapter, you will be completely on your own, left to create a new Jira next-gen project (More on how to create a next-gen project at Get started with next-gen projects), link it to a Bitbucket repository and more.
2. Within Jira, Create a new Project (Choose your name wisely).
a. While within Jira, create a new version, “.1” and associate any Epics to this version.
i. Not seeing an option for Version? Check to ensure you enabled your features….. (Hint: Review Chapter 2).
3. Within Bitbucket, Create a new repository (Ensure you link Bitbucket and your Jira next-gen project if you haven't done this yet. How did you ever get to chapter 8 if you didn’t have them linked? We’re going to need to see evidence that you completed any of the previous steps above now……).
4. Back in Jira, create an Epic with 2 stories and 4 tasks.
a. Create a new sprint and populate it with your tasks and stories.
5. Back in Bitbucket add a new file in your new project named “”.
a. Within that file add some code:
print("Goodbye, World!")
b. Commit your changes and link it all 4 of your tasks using a smart commit.
6. Go back to Jira and confirm your commits went through.
a. If they didn’t, verify why?
7. Now progress your 4 tasks through the workflow.
8. Once your tasks are in Done, release your version.
You did the thing! Comment below to let us know how your experience was or if you have any questions.
High five!
Angélica Luz
Support Engineer
Porto Alegre, Brazil
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