Hello Community,
We know we can create issues in GitHub and comment/react on things, this is a feature that GitHub Provides to have a Kanban template to track all the work items native to the tool, but when you have integrated project management tool such as Jira and you when you refer any of Jira Issues with their respective Issue Key, GitHub has the feature to enable the link automatically for the Issue in Jira.
To enable Autolink references in GitHub, navigate to repository settings in GitHub and select the option Autolink references.
Adding the Jira Site URL with the above format specified, when you refer to the Issue Key, the link will be added to the Issue Key you have specified in the comment.
Once you comment, you can see the Issue key being referenced has a link associated with it.
Navigating to the URL will take us to Jira Issue.
Similarly, if you have other ticketing systems, adding the reference link and then the ticket number will take us to the corresponding site.
FYI Links
Pramodh M
DevSecOps Consultant
663 accepted answers