I want to present you this wonderful automation that helped many development teams and customer service teams and saved them a ton of work.
Let's imagine a Customer Service Project where customers can report a bug on a feature. 80% of the time, bug will be addressed easily by the agent and customer will be satisfied.
What about the 20% ?
Sometimes, it needs the involvement of a developer. Of course the agent may create a request for feature/a story in a dedicated project about this particular problem.
The developer may work in another team.
The agent and the developer might not even know about the existence of one another.
How do you simply link a Service Management Project with a software project to avoid people to waste time looking for a place or for somebody to solve their issue ?
You create this very simple automation :
To make it simple, you locate this rule in you customer support project.
Everytime somebody will escalate an issue (AKA the 20% of time), you will automatically create a linked support issue in the developers project.
Of course, you are free to :
- add conditions to avoid specific cases
- copy some more fields from the customer support ticket
- ...
So you will still have the customer service ticket :
...And another linked issue where developers can work on int he Bug Tracking project !
A simple way to split developer tasks from agent tasks !
What do you think about it ? Feel free to like this post :)
Flavien Gache
Atlassian consultant
Modus Create
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