Atlassian Cloud - Reset & Delete Site Data

There comes a time when all hope is lost through responsible site & application management, that the need for resetting site / application data is needed and recommended. For example, a fresh start after evaluation, retiring of an unnecessary application, application migration, or change management / testing are all common reasons for needing to perform a reset.

In this article, I will cover how to reset an Atlassian Cloud application or site.

A video of these steps with a demonstration has been included for those that enjoy the show-me experience. There are also links to Atlassian's official documentation for those admin that want to go straight to the source.

Atlassian Cloud - Reset & Delete Site Data

warning  Backup Your Site / Applications / Data - Please, please, please do this\.

  1. Navigate to and log in with admin / site credentials.
  2. Select the site that needs resetting.
  3. Select Manage Subscriptions under the Subscriptions & Billing heading within the left column of the UI.
  4. If there is only a single application / subscription within the site, you will need to add a new temporary one. (watch how in the video)
  5. Once there are at least two applications / subscriptions, click the ... for the one that needs to be reset and choose Delete only if you have a backup! cheeky
  6. Type DELETE in the confirmation box.
  7. Provide a reason for Atlassian. (This really does help)
  8. Click the Delete button.
  9. Wait for the Site to update showing that the application / subscription has been deleted.
  10. Reactivate the application / subscription by navigating back to Site Settings and selecting Discover Applications under Subscriptions & Billing (left column)
  11. Find the application that was deleted and click the Reactivate button.

See How It's Done

Read it For Yourself

Reset and delete all data from your cloud site 


Lilian August 24, 2022

The link under Read It For Yourself doesn't work.

Terry Child August 30, 2022

I find it worrying that main Server to Cloud migration guide here:

has a section saying:

You can run as many test migrations as you need. See our documentation on how to reset your site to run multiple tests.

Which links to this non-existent page:

I don't know if this is just a bad link, or if Atlassian have removed it because this is no longer the correct way to do multiple test migrations?

In which case, does anyone have a link for the official documentation for resetting a cloud site to run multiple test migrations?

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dsanchezpillot September 1, 2022

I'm running into the exact same problem as @Terry Child , I read in the migration guide that multiple test runs could be ran but the link to the guide for resetting the cloud instance is dead, is this no longer possible? What is the recommended approach now?


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Ralf Becker September 2, 2022

It's really sad that such high-level documents like the migration guide have broken links! 
Or do they just want to make money to push migrators to their solution partners?

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Lisa Grau
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I'm New Here
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September 7, 2022

How long does it take until the data is deleted? Any idea? :)

Torben Jensen
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
September 23, 2022

Time consuming and annoying that nobody at Atlassian follows up on dead links like this - the ability to reset migration tests is crucial. Have been trying to delete instances via the billing (Manage Subscriptions) instead and it only works ...after a fashion and not at all. Can't delete all apps.

s_v_h_haugan December 13, 2023

Seriously... there should be a button. Just a button. "I do solemnly swear that all contents on this cloud site are the result of a test migration and should be deleted so I can get on with my life (i.e. migrate for real)".

Fortunately, the confluence site I'm migrating only has 18 spaces - the simplest way to avoid conflicts for the final migration (after having done a test migration) was to delete the spaces in the cloud site manually.

I don't like to quote a certain president, but this is "sad, really sad".

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