@Julien Nicolas de Verteuil is a Senior Advisor for the Atlassian Suite but more importantly is a groom-to-be. Read on to discover how Jira has played a key role in planning for his upcoming wedding!
Can we start by talking about how AWESOME it is that you're planning your wedding in Jira?
Right??! It really made sense for me to set up a project of this complexity in Jira. It was really too big to handle all the staff we had to recruit and services we had to make sure to get in time. Unloading our brain into Jira makes us really more efficient and it does relieve a lot of unnecessary stress! I am currently using Jira to plan my wedding, which will occur in October (yeah!!).
Of course, the bride-to-be is the PO... always let her be the PO... Anyway, I am the scrum master in this case as I keep things on track to achieve what PO wants. That actually makes both of us happy as we are able to easily keep track of everything that needs to be planned and we even use monthly sprints to make sure to be able to plan ahead what we can accomplish within that time frame.
Here's a view of our Backlog, once again, a lot has already been accomplished!

Another view, but the Active Sprint Board this time:
For each Epics in our project, we have a Confluence page that we document our ideas or anything relevant that we need to keep a trace of. For instance, here's what our DJ/Music page looks like within the Divertissement et Staff Epic... as you can see, music will be my turf!

Can you list some of the Sprint activities/themes?
Absolutely, this is where it gets more efficient since there's so much stuff to do. For this to be a success, the Jira project had to be simple to use and also be sufficiently convenient for the bride-to-be to accept to learn to use it. With a what's in it for you/us, she quickly understood that we could get much more done with much less energy spent. I also made sure to tell her that she'd have the role of saying what goes into the backlog and what doesn't. I, on the other hand, would be in control of making sure we're on track without timing based on what she would prioritize. The way I see it, she's the Product Owner and I'm the Scrum Master... taken very lightly!
To keep things as simple as possible sprints are monthly and since we started the JIRA project 12 months prior the wedding date :
Sprint 1: -12 mois (Octobre 2017)
Sprint 2: -11 mois (Novembre 2017)
Sprint 3: -10 mois (Décembre 2017)
These are the Epics we ended up with so far :
Finally, as a bonus, here's a photo of the users of the LOVE project: