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Unable to move Story to Done

Stella Griffith
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July 20, 2023

Story has no open sub-tasks and is properly linked to an Epic. I have admin priviledges. However, neither my team members nor I are able to move it to Done although the work is complete.


In Story View when I select the workflow drop down (currently "To Do") it says in light gray "You don't have permission to transition this issue." Only option in the drop down is "View workflow" which shows the standard workflow all our items have.

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Sanjen Bariki
Rising Star
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July 20, 2023

Hi @Stella Griffith ,


Its looks like, In the workflow someone added the condition So that you are not able to move the Story to Done.

There is multiple reasons of not able to move.

  • If you don't have the transition access then you will not able to move.
  • In the workflow someone added the Condition.
  • At the time move if its showing any error below then there is added one validator
  • If all the points checked, Please check the Workflow properties .


Thanks & Regards,

Sanjen Bariki

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Mohanraj Thangamuthu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 20, 2023

Hello, this looks like you have added a user condition in workflow. Refer this link to modify the workflow condition.

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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July 20, 2023

Hi @Stella Griffith,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

What type of project are you using, a team-managed or a company-managed one? If you look on the left at the bottom when in the project it will tell you. If it is a company-managed project, check that you have the right permissions in the permission scheme to transition and resolve issues. Normally project admins should have that, but if someone changed the permission scheme it could have been removed. 

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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July 20, 2023

Also check your workflow to make sure that you do not have a condition on the transition to done that prevent you from moving it.

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