Multiple statuses with the same name

Aaron Corbin July 28, 2022

Hello everyone!


I am new to Jira Work Management and trying to understand how statuses work. 


I was trying to filter for all my high priority and highest priority tasks across all workspaces. I created a dashboard with this filter, and when I did that I realized that it seems we have multiple status called 'To do'. Exact same spelling, but it seems that Jira counted these status as separate. I thought they would have been counted as one status. 


Similar thing for In Progress.


Any idea why this is happening and how I can fix it?



Jira To do.png

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John Funk
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July 28, 2022

Hi Aaron,

That's because they are probably from Team-managed projects. Everything created in those types of projects are independent of all other projects. So if you have 3 Team-managed projects, you could have 3 To Do statues. 

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