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JIRA Premium trial

Shihui Su July 9, 2024

Hi, I am currently on JWM and would like to try JIRA Premium in my instance. From the page, I see that I should be able to get a free trial. 


However, after clicking on Try it free for 30 days, it brings me to the Manage subscriptions page but doesn't activate the free trial.


Please help.

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July 9, 2024

Hi @Shihui Su 

我有留意到你的第一个截图左下角信息,你是想在 JWM 中使用 Plan(advanced roadmap)功能吗?如果是这样,那么你必须先试用 Jira Software,然后升级到 Premium,就有 Plan 功能了。单独的 JWM 产品好像不支持 Plan 功能。


Shihui Su July 9, 2024

Hi there, I am aware that JWM is not able to use advanced roadmap, therefore I am trying to sign up Jira Premium in my instance.

In our instance we have been subscribed to JIRA previously, but somehow we are now on JWM.

Is my instance still eligible to get free trial Jira Premium then? I have tried the steps that @Pramodh M suggested, but my organization admin doesn't get my request for Jira Premium nor was he able to activate from billing.

At the same time, we are trying to convert our licensing to Jira Premium, but the process is taking longer than we wish. Therefore I was thinking to use the trial Jira Premium to start our work while the licensing process takes its course.

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Pramodh M
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July 9, 2024

Hi @Shihui Su 

Can you try with this link

Alternatively, if you are an organization admin you could activate it from billing (manage subscriptions page)

Below is an image where you can change the plan and activate the premium plan

Billing 1.png


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