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Issues not showing up in List view (Work management)

Angie Adams July 9, 2024

We have teams that performs tasks from multiple projects and independently.  All tasks "owned" by the team are created in the team's work management project.  If they are a task needed in a different project, the parent of that task is in the parent project.  This allows easy tracking of issues in advanced plan more easily as all tasks are grouped according to parent project.  While there is no problem with tasks showing up on the list view when the task is in a software project, but the parent is in a different project, that is not the case in a work management project. 

These issues do appear on the board view.  They do appear on the Issues view.  just not on the list view.

Is this a known limitation or bug?  is there a unique configuration that needs to be performed?  looking for some assistance so our teams can work from their preferred view in the project. 



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Mohanraj Thangamuthu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 12, 2024

Hello, Good day. At the moment work management project will only list the issues from same work management project. As a workaround you can create a board in a software project. Create the board using a JQL filter to include issues from all required projects, then this software project  board should have all issues. Thanks

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