How should I set this project up?

Elly Meenan June 8, 2023

Hey 👋

I'm new to Jira work management, I'm trying to move the legal team across from Trello to here.

To give a bit of context on Trello we had a main board and 5 sub boards for different departments (coporate/ legal ops/ general ops etc). The main board housed all of the project titles the team was working on, so it gave everyone an overview at a quick glance, a 'shop window view' if you like. However if you wanted to get into the nitty gritty and see what actual tasks, attachments, checklists they were working on to get the project completed you would click into the card and it would be linked to a separate, more specific Trello board.

My question is how should I set this project up on JIRA. I currently have the same idea going, one main project with 5 sub projects, I just have the 'Project Name' inserted on an issue and make them link the key to the issues on their own sub boards. Is this the best way to do this?

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John Funk
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June 8, 2023

Hi Elly - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I think I would use Epics for your project level view, and then create tasks under those with the detail cards for all of the work that is being done. 

I would also create a separate workflow for the Epics from the Tasks. Then on the board, you can see the Epics in one shot and then click into one to see the details of the Epic (i.e. the tasks). 

Elly Meenan June 12, 2023

Thanks John! This sounds great!
Could you go into a little more detail on how you would structure the workflows?
We currently just use Not Started -> In Progress -> Finalised -> On Hold

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John Funk
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June 12, 2023

Sure - you can pretty much have anything you want. Just have two different workflows - just name them different if you want to use the same statuses/steps. 

Elly Meenan June 12, 2023

Thanks! One last question, I've looked into doing this but I think I have to be an admin to configure it, is that correct?

John Funk
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June 12, 2023

Yes, that is correct - you must be an administrator to make those changes. 

Elly Meenan June 15, 2023

Hi John,

I dont think I've set this up correctly , could you have a look?

Here's my first workflow view with the projects, as you can see here is the task 'TESTING 123'

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 15.40.22.pngScreenshot 2023-06-15 at 15.40.28.png

Then here is the second workflow view and as you can see there is no 'Testing 123'
Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 15.40.34.png

Why is this?

John Funk
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July 3, 2023

Right, because Testing-123 is a Task and not an Epic. When you changed to the Workflow for Epics, it will only show Epics. 

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