How can we links subtask with Task using CSV import?

Priti patel January 4, 2024


we have CSV files with the below details


we created subtask in AaNeel Employee project but it is not linked with task. we can do manualy but it is large amount of data how can we do with the help of CSV import.

we have also one question is we have due date column in CSV files but when we import data into jira then jira not take this due date it is take different date becasue of that when we create filter based on due date then it showing wrong result.

due date.png


Q.3 when we import CSV from the below step then it links subtask with task but status filed not showing at a time of mapping field but we have status field in CSV.


when we import the above CSV files using the system import then it mappng the status field but it not links task with subtask.


Q.4 from next time we have list of subtask and we will create new rows in CSV that we need to import then how can import that only present subtask update and if find new rows in CSV then it create new task ?

1 answer

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Sebastian Krzewiński
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January 4, 2024

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