How can I automate Jira to flag the first incomplete sub-task in a list to save time and organize?

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October 30, 2023

Is it feasible to create a Jira automation that highlights the initial incomplete sub-task within a list?

I frequently encounter multiple sub-issues that can't be completed because they depend on the preceding issue, which results in time wastage. Any suggestions for addressing this?

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Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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November 24, 2023

Hi Bryan,

I can confirm that if you have the ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud plugin in your instance, then this could help achieve this requirement.

We gave an example script here that will bulk-flag issues returned by a JQL search.

You could run this script as an Escalation Service in order to flag the subtasks which are open and have a particular issue link on them.

An example of JQL to find all Sub Tasks in a project with the Blocks issue type would be to use JQL like project = DEMO and issuetype = Sub-task and issueLinkType in ("blocks")

I hope this information helps.



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