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Global Automation

Rico Meyer September 11, 2023


I have multiple Work Management projects.  The first one that I created and configured automation rules for works fine.  The other projects that I subsequently added simply does not trigger any automation, I have tried:

Single project: Configured the rules exactly as was done in the very first working project - no luck.

Global: no luck

Multiple projects: Selected every one of the projects including the working project - no luck.

Project type: tried every one of the three project types available to me - no luck.

The automation that Im trying to add are basic triggers related to tasks and sub-tasks such as "When chaning the status of a sub-task move the Parent status to the same status".

Any assistance would be appreciated.


2 answers

1 vote
Rico Meyer September 12, 2023

For anyone that struggles with the above, I managed to find my problem.

When I added automation rules I added them in a specific project, this means that the automation rules are limited to only this one project.  You can change this rule to include multiple projects or even global but this doesn't change anything.

The rule needs to be configured from the start as a global rule then it isnt limited to one project.

0 votes
Tessa Tuteleers
Community Leader
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September 11, 2023

Hi @Rico Meyer , 

welcome to the community! 

Could you describe your trigger / conditions / actions (with screenshot if possible)?

Who is the actor of the rule? Does that user have the necessary permissions in the projects you want to use the rule on? 

Cheers, Tessa

Rico Meyer September 11, 2023

Hi Tessa

Thank you for the quick response.  See attached x2 screenshots, both rules are identical with the same actor and owner.

Not Working.pngWorking.png

Tessa Tuteleers
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 11, 2023

Hi Rico! 

and if I understand, the first rule works, the second doesn't? 

- What does the audit log show? Does it simply not trigger at all, or are there errors? 

- If it is not triggered at all -> does the automation actor have access to the project? (by default it should have, but you can remove the access, or have issue security in place blocking the actor)

- If it is triggered but gives errors, what is the error? 

Rico Meyer September 11, 2023

Hi Tessa

The rule seems to trigger but does nothing.

The audit log simply indicates "No action performed" with a further message indicating "The following issues did not match the condition:...".


Audit Log.png

Tessa Tuteleers
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 11, 2023

Okay, good! We know the permissions are okay and we have a good info message to work with. 

Please check the IFC-23 issue, is it a subtask? Because if tasks / epics / stories / .. transition from "To do" to "In progress", they will trigger the rule too, but then the condition would fail.

Please create a test subtask specific to test this rule, make the transition and see what the audit log tells you. 


Rico Meyer September 11, 2023

Hi Tessa

To my knowledge the task referred to as well as a number of other tasks are sub-tasks although within the parent it is called a "child issue".  See attached a screenshot of a parent with its listed "child issues" or also known as "sub-tasks".

The projects seems to be of the same type too, I checked whether the first one is perhaps of a different type and therfor working but not the case (all are listed as "Team-managed business" projects).


Child Issue.png

Tessa Tuteleers
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 11, 2023

Hi @Rico Meyer , 

please check the IFC-23 issue in particular, as we know that it didn't trigger there. 

In the automation rule, your condition is set on an issue type. 

You have 3 kinds of issue types: 

- Epic

- Normal issue types (Story, Task, Bug,..)

- Subtask issue types (Subtask, Sub-task,..)

What I mean is that you can have many different issuetypes that are subtasks. You only check your contidion on 1 specific subtask issue type. Perhaps the issues in question are a different kind. 

- Tessa

Rico Meyer September 11, 2023

Hi Tessa

I have checked, on all my projects the task types are the same (Task & Sub-task) which in my opinion should mean that if automation triggers on the original project it should trigger on the others too.

What I have not done yet is to create new automation rules for each project, this should probably work but is not the route I wish to take as this will create a lot of configuration everytime a project is added.

Attached is x2 screenshots of the task types of x2 seperate projects.

Appsource - Task Types.pngIF - Task Type.png


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