Explain the function of the 'Scheduled' smart value automation trigger related to email frequency

Dave Buitenhek January 22, 2024

For one Project, we want to configure some automations to send email reminders to assignees. Here is the cadence we're seeking for a particular issue:

  • Send one email when the issue is due 30 days from now
  • Send one email when the issue is due 14 days from now
  • Send one email when the issue is due tomorrow
  • Send emails every two days when the issue is overdue

I want to confirm that if we configure these automations, which appear to be possible from the template library, that only ONE email goes out for each bullet above, ideally with all issues that meet the requirements. To clarify, these are recurring issues due once per year, so in most cases there will only be one issue due at a time ... though there are some due near each other.

What we don't want is for someone to get a daily email - that's where I'm getting hung up with the 'Scheduled' smart value automation trigger. Here are the settings for the 14 days / two weeks automation, as one example:

When: Scheduled
> Every day at 9:00 AM (Pacific Time)

Then: Create variable
> Variable name: numberOfDaysBeforeDueInclusion
> Smart value: 14

And: Lookup issues
> JQL: duedate <= endOfDay({{numberOfDaysBeforeDueInclusion}}) AND statusCategory != done AND assignee != empty

[Branch] For each: Smart value
> Smart value: {{lookupIssues.assignee.distinct}}
> Variable name: distinctAssignee

Then: Lookup issues
> JQL: duedate <= endOfDay({{numberOfDaysBeforeDueInclusion}}) AND statusCategory != done AND assignee = {{distinctAssignee}}

And: Send email
> To {{distinctAssignee.emailAddress}}
> Subject and Body are unspecific to the request

Thanks in advance!

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John Funk
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January 22, 2024

Hi Dave,

You will need to use = and not <= to have it only send one time. Otherwise it will keep sending everyday once it hits that date. 

Dave Buitenhek January 23, 2024

Thank you for the response, John! I've updated the automation settings.

Dave Buitenhek January 25, 2024

This is working as you stated - thanks so much, @John Funk

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