Expectation of having nested issues in Work Management List View for Parent field

Laurent Quevedo November 9, 2023


I've recently discovered the nested view feature in Work Management projects is working for Epics, and it works nicely. But I was wondering, if is this feature expected to be shipped for the new Issue Hierarchy Levels settings, and if so, when will it happen...


For instance, I've created an issue type called "Problem", in the same hierarchy level of Epics, and tried to link standard issue types to it through the "Parent Link" field.

For Epics, I can even create new standard issue types below it directly from the List view, but the same doesn't happen for the "Problem" issue type I've created.

In the screenshots below, I was expecting that the "Test Task 2" would be nested in "Test Problem", just as the "Test Task" is nested in the "Test Epic".



Thanks in advance!

3 answers

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Trudy Claspill
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November 9, 2023

Hello @Laurent Quevedo 

The ability to extend the issue hierarchy is a feature of the Jira Software project for use in Advanced Roadmaps, requiring the Jira Software Premium or Enterprise subscription.

Only Advanced Roadmaps is designed to leverage and display the modifications that can be made to the Issue Type Hierarchy.

Jira Work Management projects are available when you have a Jira Software product license, but the functionality specific to Jira Software is not necessarily available or supported in JWM projects. For instance, besides the extended hierarchy, Scrum boards are a feature of Jira Software which is not available within a JWM project.

JWM is only capable (an partially at that) of displaying the default hierarchy of

Epic > standard level issues > sub-task level issues

Laurent Quevedo November 10, 2023

Hi @Trudy Claspill, thanks for your response!

I'm aware that the issue type hierarchy was a feature originally designed to work only with Advanced Roadmaps, but I thought this was changing since they've announced that they're unifying the "epic-link" and "parent-link" into one single "parent" field, as mentioned in this article: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/upcoming-changes-epic-link-replaced-with-parent/

Perhaps someone from Atlassian product team could shine a light onto this? Will it remain this way even after that change is rolled out?

Trudy Claspill
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November 10, 2023

Just my two cents but my expectation is that limitation will continue to exist because ability to use the extended issue hierarchy is not specifically linked to how the parent/child relationships are tracked. The extended issue hierarchy has only ever been supported within Advanced Roadmaps. There has been no indication in any of the change plans that the ability to use the extended hierarchy in any other view (i.e. in agile boards or in Work Management projects) is within the scope of the plans.

I suggest you post the question (about supporting the extended issue hierarchy and support for treating other issue types the same as Epics, within Work Management) as a comment on the article itself to get feedback directly from the author.

Laurent Quevedo November 13, 2023

Got it, @Trudy Claspill, thanks again for your thoughts and advice! I think there is no comment section in the article, as it was a support article (I couldn't find it anywhere there, even though it suggests to add a comment on it), so I'll just hope they do it someday or when the changes are rolled out!

Trudy Claspill
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November 13, 2023
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Laurent Quevedo November 14, 2023

Thanks again, @Trudy Claspill, I've posted a comment there!

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Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Atlassian Partner
November 10, 2023

Hi @Laurent Quevedo

if you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, you may want to have a look at the app that my team and I are working on, JXL for Jira.

JXL is a full-fledged spreadsheet/table view for your issues that allows viewing, inline-editing, sorting, and filtering by all your issue fields, much like you’d do in e.g. Excel or Google Sheets. In a sense, it has a few things in common with JWM's list view, however JXL comes with a range of advanced features, and also works in (and across!) projects of any type, not just JWM projects. Plus, it is capable of showing any number of hierarchy levels, like so:


You can model issue hierarchies based on Jira's built-in parent/child relationships (like epic/story, or story/sub-task, or anything you configured in Advanced Roadmaps), and/or based on issue links. This also plays nicely with JXL's other advanced features, such as support for bulk editing via copy/paste, sum-ups, or conditional formatting.

Any questions just let me know,



Laurent Quevedo November 10, 2023

Hi @Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira, thanks for your suggestion. I wouldn't add it to my instance only to solve this issue, but JXL app looks really great, I'll definitely try it sometime!

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Michael Yaroshefsky - Visor for Jira
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November 9, 2023

Hi @Laurent Quevedo ,


For issue hierarchy levels in Jira work management, you may have two ways to fix this:

1. Team-managed:  project settings> issue type>add issue types
2. Company managed: project settings> select issue type>actions> edit actions> move issue types from the right-hand column to the left-hand, then hit save.

Does this help? 

Laurent Quevedo November 10, 2023

Hi @Michael Yaroshefsky - Visor for Jira thanks for your support.

However, I think the instructions you mentioned don't apply to Work Management projects, at least I couldn't find it here!

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