Create a Master Template for Multiple Projects

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June 5, 2023

I've seen multiple answers provided but just wondering if there's a simple way to create a single Master Template from the Jira Work Management Web Design Process template that can be set up with issues for the board so that when I want to start a new project I can just create a new one from that template and have it already preset with the issues/tasks needed (which are the same steps across all our projects)?

More, how can we change the board layout so that it reflects the steps that we want rather than just the ones provided by the template?

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John Funk
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June 5, 2023

Hi Austin - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

The quick answer is yes. Create a project if you have not already - a Company-managed JWM project.

Then modify the workflow as desired, save and publish it. This should cause the columns on your board to be updated.

Rearrange the columns in the board as you desire as changing statuses in a workflow may cause a change in the order of the columns.

Now when you create a new project, do it based on an existing project and select the “template” project you created.

You will need to create an automation rule that creates the initial set of issues on the project. That can be based on a new project created trigger - just be sure to add the appropriate conditions so it doesn’t happen for every new project.

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