Copy information from Epic to linked issue

Pauline Hild
July 29, 2022


I'm trying to create the following automation rule:

When an Epic is created, the information for the custom fields ("company" or "customer" for example) are filled in. When a task with subtasks is then linked to the epic, I want the automation to copy the information from the custom fields in the epic into the custom fields of the related tasks and subtasks (they have the same custom fields). 

I already tried some different rules but none of them worked so far so I would be grateful if somebody could tell me how to change the rule. 

Kind regards,


Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-29 um 15.23.40.png

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John Funk
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July 29, 2022

Hi Pauline,

You are close, but click on the words Current Issue in each of your fields, and then change it to Trigger Issue instead of Current Issue. 

Pauline Hild
July 29, 2022

Hi @John Funk 

thank you very much for your answer, I tried it out and it works perfectly now. it's fantastic!! 

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John Funk
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July 29, 2022

Great! Glad I could help. 

Pauline Hild
September 9, 2022


my automation suddenly doesn't work anymore and I absolutely don't understand why because I changed nothing on it. Here's what the audit log says: 

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-09 um 13.54.18.png

Do you have an idea what could be the reason for it? 


Kind regards, 


John Funk
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September 9, 2022

Can you post the rule as it exists now  - maybe showing the expanded Condition that is failing? 

Pauline Hild
September 10, 2022

Yes, for sure. You'll find the screenshots down below. 

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-10 um 10.25.28.png

John Funk
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September 12, 2022

And both issues are Epics? 

Pauline Hild
September 12, 2022

No, one issue is an epic and the other one is a task (with subtasks) and the task is linked to the epic.

John Funk
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September 12, 2022

which is which?

Pauline Hild
September 12, 2022

green box (Issue linked): Epic 

blue box (Then: Edit issue fields): Task 

Was that your question?

John Funk
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September 12, 2022

No, what is the key for the Epic? LAB-2804 or LAB-2803?

Pauline Hild
September 12, 2022

Sorry! LAB-2804 is the Task 

John Funk
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September 12, 2022

Thought so - that's the problem. You have a condition that is checking to see if it is an Epic. 2804 is not, so the rule execution stops there. If you reverse the order, it might work. 

Pauline Hild
September 12, 2022

Oh okay, now I see the problem. Which elements do I have to reverse? 

John Funk
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September 13, 2022

The source and the destination.

Pauline Hild
September 13, 2022

Ok, I changed the order and tried several other options but the audit log says still that there's a problem with the task (doesn't match the condition). 

John Funk
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September 13, 2022

Okay, I think I misunderstood at first. You are linking a task to an Epic, which should fire this - correct? Why are you doing it via linked issues and not the Epic Link? (Also, what type of project is this? )

Pauline Hild
September 13, 2022

Yes, that's right. I first create an epic and then I link a task to it and to save time I want the automation to fill in the custom fields of the task with the same information of the linked Epic (which has the same custom fields). 

Is there an "epic link" option?

The project is used to organize a huge medical lab.  

John Funk
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September 13, 2022

What type of project are you using? Team-managed? Company-managed? Jira Work Management? 

Pauline Hild
September 14, 2022

Jira Work Managment

Pauline Hild
September 14, 2022

I just found out that the automation works when I link an issue by clicking "+ create linked issue" but when I use the "search for issues" function to link an issue, it doesn't work. Do you know why this is the case? 


Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-14 um 10.15.00.png

John Funk
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September 14, 2022

Well, that's just weird. It should process the same way, I would think. Maybe it considers one to be the source and the other to be the destination based on which one you choose. Seems like a bug of inconsistency. I would actually report that to Atlassian. 

Pauline Hild
September 14, 2022

Ok, maybe we can work with the automation like it is now as well. 

Thank you very much for your efforts and your time so far! 

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