Can a Service Project have a List view?

Jin Huynh
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April 8, 2022

I see in a business project the list view would be populated. Is there any way a service project would have this feature? It is more user friendly and intuitive to work through the queue with this type of format. This would be a huge benefit for my team.

2 answers

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John Funk
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May 12, 2022

Hi @Jin Huynh  - The quick answer is no, it can't. The List functionality is only available for JWM/Business projects. 

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Mike Rathwell
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April 8, 2022

Hi @Jin Huynh 

This question is a bit bigger than a breadbox but I will see if I can get you on your way with this. I see you are recently on Community... welcome... so I am going to guess you are pretty recent to Jira. Don't worry that things don't seem straightforward right off. Jira is enormous; it works ok out of the box but it starts to sing once you start to tune it (and I really didn't mean the pun there)

You might start off looking at this set of pages about how to configure queues as the defaults from setting up a project do the job but likely don't fit you. The queues really are just a list view but with some smarts that can be added. You can do many actions from the queue and it helps you better categorize/sort your incoming requests.

HOWEVER, if that still doesn't suit you and you would like that view seen in JWM, JXL is a stellar app for Jira that essentially lets you drive Jira like a spreadsheet. When you cite your affinity for lists, it feels a lot like this might be a comfortable place to be.

Either is good; I highly recommend you take the time to learn how to make the queues work and, as you move down the path, just go ahead and add JXL. I recommend it to anyone with any Jira instance.

Hope this helps

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